Sinergia project

Partners | Project objectives


The FNS financed Sinergia project SAMS: Sensor Assay Microbe Systems, is a collaboration between the Lab of Microsystems of Prof. Philippe Renaud (EPFL), the group of Prof. Martial Geiser at the HES-SO in Sion, Valais, and ourselves. The project will run for three years and started in April 2009.

Project objectives

The objective of the SAMS Sinergia project is to construct a hand-held miniaturized electronic microfluidic device that holds bioreporter bacteria responsive to arsenic. The microfluidics design is performed by the group of Philippe Renaud; the electronic system will be build in the group of Martial Geiser, whereas the construction, use and calibration of the arsenic bioreporter bacteria is taking place in our group.

FilterPDMSfilled.avi  (5346 Ko)

Watch bacterial cells fill in a microcage. Video: Nina Buffi (EPFL) and Davide Merulla. 

Listen to the radio interview (in French on RSR-La 1ère -l'émission Impatience) with Martial Geiser (HES-SO) and Jan van der Meer on the Sinergia project and the miniaturization of bacterial bioreporter assays for arsenic.

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Université de Lausanne