
In Vivo ECG Recordings and Analysis | Telemetry device

In Vivo ECG Recordings and Analysis

Electrocardiograms (ECGs) can be easily obtained from both mice and rats under light general isoflurane anesthesia. ECG electrodes are attached to the paws and connected to a standardized 6-lead ECG amplifier module which includes high- and low-pass filters. Signals are digitized continuously and recorded with the IOX data acquisition system (EMKA Technologies).
ECGAuto software (EMKA Technologies) is used to analyze the data. This software allows quantitative analysis (interval duration and wave surfaces) of the electrical complexes recorded.

ECG mouse recording

Mouse ECG recording with IOX (6-lead ECG)

ECG analysis Stat table and trend graph.jpg
ECG analysis with ECGAuto Results of a mouse ECG analysis with ECGAuto



Telemetry device

This method allows for long term ECG measurement and analysis in the awake, conscious animal after surgery.



Telemetry for small animal physiology, James E. Niemeyer, Lab Animal volume45, pages255–257 (2016)

For more information, please click here.



CAF/EMIF - Rue du Bugnon 27 - CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 314 68 86
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)