
CIG Symposium 2018: “Aging and Anti-Aging” will take place June 21 & 22, 2018, in the Aud C, Génopode building, UNIL

The Faculty of the CIG is organizing the annual CIG Symposium on the topic:

"Aging and Anti-Aging"

Aging is a natural lifelong process evidently shared by all species — but particularly evident in eukaryotes, both unicellular and multi-cellular.  It influences both the longevity and vitality of the aged.  Unlike with pathologies, where often drug medications are used to provide cures or to ameliorate the disease, anti-aging strategies are often based on nutrition (i.e., "you are what you eat — or don't eat") and behavior such as exercising.  The 2018 CIG Symposium on Aging and Anti-Aging proposes to delve into the recent developments in this exciting field that touches everyone.  There will be both platform talks from invited leaders in the field as well as  selected speakers based on submitted abstracts.  Additionally, a one hour round-table debate with selected participants will address the benefits — or lack thereof — of targeted strategies for promoting longevity and vitality and will presage the annual public evening John Grace Lecture.  Both the debate and public lecture will be accessible to scientists and general public alike.

CIG Sympo poster version 23.04.2018 tortue.jpg

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CIG - Le Génopode - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 39 00
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