
Cardiovascular and Metabolism PhD program

Last news
LSCD 2024: registration is open!
The 12th edition of the Life Science Career Day will focus on the transition from academia to the professional world at any stage of one’s journey, and the notion of "career" will be explored through one of its fundamental aspects: purpose.
CVM Mini-Symposium "Extracellular Matrix Alterations in Cardiovascular Diseases"...
Please join the next Mini-Symposium of the Cardiovascular and metabolism (CVM) PhD program of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, UNIL/CHUV
Symposium honorant la mémoire du Pr Jean-Pierre Guignard
Eminent médecin, chercheur et ancien responsable de la néphrologie pédiatrique au CHUV, le Pr Jean-Pierre Guignard a laissé un héritage médical indélébile que ce soit dans le canton de Vaud, au niveau national ou international.
CH-1005 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 40 14
Fax +41 21 692 40 05
Université de LausanneCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)