Our Events

3 novembre 2022 / 3. November 2022

Öffentliche Diskussionsveranstaltung: Braucht die Schweiz ein kantonales Menschenrechts-Peer-Review?

Conférence publique : Introduire un examen périodique cantonal des droits humains ?

First International ILSP Workshop

The first ILSP workshop on subnational actors and international dynamics in multi-level governance was held online (14-15 January 2021, with a preparatory meeting on the 31st August 2020).

Wébinaire public

« La mise en œuvre des obligations internationales en matière de droits économiques, sociaux et culturels dans les législations cantonales : Défis et bonnes pratiques » (4 juin 2020)
Programme et invitation

Un rapport de cet événement est disponible en ligne :

Evelyne Schmid, Livia Bayer, Constance Kaempfer et Raphaël Marlétaz, « Le guide de bonnes pratiques: un outil prometteur pour la mise en œuvre des droits humains dans les législations cantonales », Lausanne, octobre 2020, https://serval.unil.ch/en/notice/serval:BIB_59B892009F15.

Seminar on International Law and Its Relations with Domestic Legal Systems

This seminar was taught by Prof. Evelyne Schmid at the University of Lausanne during the Spring semester 2020 and 2022. The portfolio handbook is available on the « Teaching Corner » of the European Society of International Law (members only), https://esil-sedi.eu/teaching-corner/ or upon request.

Seminar outline: Today, international law regulates almost every field of human activity, including your last trip abroad, the food you eat or the health-care you receive. Even if you plan to practice law at a local level, you will be confronted with international law in one form or another. This course pursues two goals. First, the course allows you to deepen your knowledge of public international law and to reflect on the current state of the international legal system. Second, this course provides an advanced and comparative introduction to the complex relationships between international and domestic legal systems. We will analyse doctrinal positions, as well as the various ways in which sources of international law enter domestic legal systems and how these sources are interpreted, applied and contested domestically. Students are expected to have (or independently acquire) a solid knowledge of international law prior to the start of the course.