
The interdisciplinary research projects conducted in the LABCD range from investigations of learning and memory processes in healthy, typically-developing individuals across the lifespan, from toddlers to senior citizens, to investigations of atypical learning and memory processes associated with either acquired brain damage or neurodevelopmental and genetic disorders.

Researchers in the LABCD employ numerous complementary approaches and techniques including: experimental psychology, neuropsychology, electrophysiology (EEG), neuroimaging (MRI), neuroanatomy and genetics.

Members of the LABCD conduct primarily fundamental research designed to increase our understanding of the brain and cognitive processes underlying learning and memory. Nevertheless, they are also interested in the practical applications of their findings in order to develop new strategies aimed at improving cognitive function especially with respect to learning and memory processes.

Members of the LABCD collaborate with a large number of both national and international researchers and research groups. Members of the LABCD also collaborate closely with patient organizations such as the Swiss Association for Williams-Beuren syndrome, the Romande Association for Trisomie 21 (ART21), and the Italian Association for People with Down Syndrome (AIPD).

The research conducted in the LABCD is supported by funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation, by private non-profit foundations, and by the University of Lausanne.

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