Finger counting

Behavioral studies in normal developing children from the age of 5(Justine Dupont), in children with hemiplegia(Nolwenn Guedin – Service de neuropédiatrie, Dr Joël Fluss ), and in adults (Justine Dupont – Cognition, Learning & Plasticity Group, Pr Roi Cohen Kadosh).

It is sometimes suggested in the literature that finger counting is an important if not necessary step towards the acquisition of more complex numerical skills. We examine this hypothesis through a longitudinal follow up of children from the age of 5 and over three consecutive years. Their finger counting habits are observed and related to their performance in arithmetic tasks. The hypothesis is also examined through the study of children with hemiplegia who experience difficulties with fine motor gestures. Finally, the relationship between finger counting and montring habits and mental representations of numbers will be investigated in an intercultural perspective. We will study British and Swiss adults who represent numbers on fingers differently.

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