Welcome services

| UNIL welcome services | By target group

UNIL welcome services

You will find the full list of central services available to you here (in French). 

The Welcome Centre offers advice and information to support our welcome to visiting researchers and professors invited by UNIL institutes or faculties for a limited period (i.e. those neither enrolled at nor employed by UNIL) and members of staff from abroad coming to a permanent post at UNIL.

By target group

Are you a new employee, about to start work at UNIL?

Your first contact will be the Human Resources Department who will be able to answer all your questions about the terms of your contract, taxes, work permit, your pay, social security contributions, family allowances etc.) 

The Welcome Centre is also available to answer questions about immigration, life in Switzerland, Lausanne the surrounding area, accommodation options, insurance, childcare services etc.

This website provides useful information to help you before and after your arrival in Lausanne. Please feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

Follow us:    
Château de Dorigny  -  CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 60 27
Fax +41 21 692 20 05