Auer Anita
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Research areas
Linguistique historique
Langues en contact
Linguistique corpus
Littérature, langue et histoire médiévale
histoire textuelle
urbanisme médiéval
Autres projets
Aspasia Grant
2011 - 2015
grant-giving organisation: The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (Pays-Bas)
Applicant: Anita Auer
The money was used in order to carry out the following projects:
(a) "Emerging Standards: Urbanisation and the Development of Standard English, c.1400-1700". Details can be found on this website:
(b) Corpus project "Letters of Artisans and the Labouring Poor". Details can be found on this website:
Utrecht Universtiy Board Appreciation Grant (ERC runner-up)
2012 - 2016
grant-giving organisation: Utrecht Universtiy (Pays-Bas)
Applicant: Anita Auer
The money was used in order to carry out the following projects:
(a) "Emerging Standards: Urbanisation and the Development of Standard English, c.1400-1700". Details can be found on this website:
(b) Corpus project "Letters of Artisans and the Labouring Poor". Details can be found on this website:
Collaborations and networks
Avec les milieux professionnels
Mouton de Gruyter (publisher)
I am co-editing the international peer-reviewed "Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics" (with Gijsbert Rutten, José de Valle, Rik Vosters, Simon Pickl) , published by Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin, New York).
The Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics (JHSL) is a double-blind peer-reviewed forum for research into the social history of language. The journal contains original contributions (both linguistic and interdisciplinary) on aspects of language and society in the past including (but not limited to) the social embedding of language variation and change, issues of language contact and conflict, historical multilingualism, the social stratification of writing skills, the development of language norms and the impact of language ideologies.