Falconer Rachel

Falconer Rachel

Contact Teaching Publications

Teaching given to the UNIL

2023-> Tolkien's Environmental Vision... Séminaire
2021-> Milton's Paradise Lost... Séminaire
2017-> Critical Approaches... Séminaire
2024->2024 British Romanticism and the Poetics of the Sublime... Séminaire
2024->2024 EcoPoetry... Séminaire
2024->2024 Etudes anglaises: conférences (Guest Lecture / Staff Meeting)... Cours
2024->2024 Introduction to Literary Analysis... Cours-Séminaire
2024->2024 Introduction to Literary Analysis... Cours-Séminaire
2024->2024 J. M. Coetzee’s Jesus Trilogy... Séminaire
2024->2024 Monsters, Murderers and Mad(wo)men in Romantic and Victorian Poetry... Séminaire
2024->2024 Seamus Heaney and Translation... Séminaire
2023->2023 EcoPoetry and the Climate Emergency... Séminaire
2023->2023 Explication de textes : Contemporary New Nature Writing... Séminaire
2023->2023 Explication de textes : Modernist Poetry... Séminaire
2023->2023 Explication de textes : Robert Macfarlane's The Wild Places... Séminaire
2023->2023 Female Modernist Eroticisms... Séminaire
2023->2023 Johny Keats : Poetry and Letters... Séminaire
2023->2023 Seamus Heaney’s Elemental Poetry... Séminaire
2023->2023 Woolf and Joyce... Séminaire
2022->2023 Anglo-American Literary Survey III... Cours
2015->2023 Etudes anglaises: conférences (Guest Lecture / Staff Meeting)... Cours
2022->2022 'Make it New': Modernist Experimentation with the Novel via James Joyce and Virginia Woolf... Séminaire
2022->2022 EcoPoetry : Crisis and Collaboration... Séminaire
2022->2022 Explication de textes : Adam Bede... Séminaire
2022->2022 Explication de textes : Hot Poets: Poetry & Climate Change... Séminaire
2022->2022 Explication de textes : Modernist Poetry... Séminaire
2022->2022 Ishiguro and Memory Fiction... Séminaire
2022->2022 The Good of Poetry : Seamus Heaney's Poetry and Poetics... Séminaire
2021->2021 Climate Change and the Literary Imagination... Séminaire
2021->2021 Explication de textes : Eco-Prose: Jay Griffiths' Wild... Séminaire
2021->2021 Explication de textes : Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge... Séminaire
2021->2021 Explication de textes : Modernist Poetry... Séminaire
2021->2021 Human / Nature / Poetry... Séminaire
2021->2021 Introduction to Literary Analysis... Séminaire
2021->2021 Katabasis: Literary Descents to the Underworld... Séminaire
2020->2020 Katabasis: Literary Descents into the Underworld... Séminaire
2020->2020 Memory Fiction: Kazuo Ishiguro ... Séminaire
2020->2020 Milton's Paradise Lost ... Séminaire
2020->2020 Modern Poetry and the Auditory Imagination... Séminaire
2019->2020 Introduction to Literary Analysis... Séminaire
2019->2020 Modernist Female Eroticisms... Séminaire
2015->2020 Research Methodologies... Séminaire
2019->2019 Ecopoetics and Kathleen Jamie... Séminaire
2019->2019 Explication de textes : Kathleen Jamie's Eco-Prose... Séminaire
2019->2019 Kazuo Ishiguro's Memory Fiction... Séminaire
2019->2019 Keats's Great Odes... Séminaire
2019->2019 The Golden Bough : Seamus Heaney and Virgil... Séminaire
2017->2017 Anglo-American Literary Survey III... Cours
2017->2017 Earth, Water, Air : Poetry of Seamus Heaney... Séminaire
2017->2017 Explication de textes : Modern Eco-Drama... Séminaire
2017->2017 Explication de textes : Poetry Post45... Séminaire
2017->2017 Explication de textes : Reading Lyric Poetry... Séminaire
2017->2017 Milton's Paradise Lost... Séminaire
2016->2016 English Literature : Animal and Child... Séminaire
2016->2016 English Literature: Heaney in the Underworld: Translation as Transfusion... Séminaire
2016->2016 Explication de textes : Modern and Contemporary Eco-Drama... Séminaire
2016->2016 Explication de textes : Poetry Post45... Séminaire
2016->2016 Explication de textes : The Poetry of John Keats... Séminaire
2016->2016 Survey of Anglo-American Literature Part 3... Cours
2013->2016 Introduction aux approches critiques... Cours
2015->2015 English Literature : Contemporary British Poetry... Séminaire
2015->2015 English Literature: Descents to the Underworld, from Virgil and Dante to the Present... Séminaire
2015->2015 English Literature: Memory Fiction - McEwan and Ishiguro... Séminaire
2015->2015 Survey of Anglo-American Literature Part 3... Cours
2015->2015 Survey of Anglo-American Literature, Parts I and II... Cours
2014->2014 Contemporary British Poetry... Séminaire
2014->2014 English Literature: Fictions of Memory and Forgetting: McEwan, Ishiguro, Sebald... Séminaire
2014->2014 English Literature: Milton's Paradise Lost... Séminaire
2014->2014 Explication de textes : Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge... Séminaire
2014->2014 Explication de textes : Prelapsarian Temptations: Milton's Early Verse... Séminaire
2014->2014 Sacred and Profane: the Poetry of Don Paterson... Séminaire
2013->2014 Survey of Anglo-American Literature Part 3... Cours
2013->2014 Survey of Anglo-American Literature, Parts I and II... Cours
2013->2013 Contemporary British Poetry... Séminaire
2013->2013 English Literature: Kathleen Jamie: Poetry and Prose... Séminaire
2013->2013 English Literature: Milton's Paradise Lost... Séminaire
2013->2013 Explication de textes : Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge... Séminaire
2013->2013 Explication de textes : The Poetry of Birds... Séminaire
2013->2013 The Poetry of John Keats... Séminaire
2012->2012 English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature... Cours
2012->2012 English Literature Survey : semestre d'automne : 'Origins to 1485'. Semestre de printemps : '1485-1785'... Cours
2012->2012 English Literature: Fantasy before Tolkien ... Séminaire
2012->2012 English Literature: Romantic Poetry and Music... Séminaire
2012->2012 Explication de texte: the Poetry of Kathleen Jamie... Séminaire
2012->2012 Human/Nature: the poetry of Ted Hughes, Seamus Heaney, and Kathleen Jamie... Séminaire
2012->2012 Introduction aux approches critiques... Cours
2012->2012 Shakespeare : Plays - As You Like It, Hamlet, Macbeth, The Tempest... Cours
2011->2011 English Literature : Eco-writing... Séminaire
2011->2011 English Literature : Wordsworth's Poetry... Séminaire
2011->2011 English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature... Cours
2011->2011 English Literature Survey : semestre d'automne : 'Origins to 1485'. Semestre de printemps : '1485-1785'... Cours
2011->2011 Explication de textes: The Poetry of John Keats... Séminaire
2011->2011 Introduction aux approches critiques... Cours
2011->2011 Shakespeare : Plays... Cours
2011->2011 The Voice of God... Séminaire
2010->2010 English Literature : British Magic Realism ... Séminaire
2010->2010 English Literature : Oxford Fantasists ... Séminaire
2010->2010 English Literature : Telluric Poetry ... Séminaire
2010->2010 English Literature Survey 2: Introduction to Modern English Literature... Cours
2010->2010 English Literature Survey : semestre d'automne : "Origins to 1485". Semestre de printemps : 1485-1785... Cours
2010->2010 English literature : The Poetry of John Milton ... Séminaire
2010->2010 Explication de textes: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney... Séminaire
2010->2010 Introduction aux approches critiques... Cours




My research interests cover a broad span from Latin literature to modern and contemporary Irish, Scottish and English literature. I am principally researching in the field of poetry (Romantic, modern and contemporary), though I also have strong interests in modern fiction, especially fantasy, children’s and crossover literature. I am working on a book on the poetry of Virgil and Seamus Heaney, and have just finished editing a collection of essays on Katabasis, or the literary descent into the underworld. Future projects include writing on the literature of birds, and in general, the changing ways that contemporary writers figure the more-than-human environment in their poetry, fiction and prose writing. 

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Tel. +41 21 692 29 13