
Jonauskaite Domicele

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications
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Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques

Laboratoire d'étude des processus de régulation cognitive et affective
Fonction(s): Maître assistante Ambizione FNS

Institut de psychologie
Fonction(s): Maître assistante Ambizione FNS

Institut de psychologie (IP)
Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Bâtiment Géopolis 5209
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Téléphone: 021 692 32 69

Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Bâtiment Géopolis 5209
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Téléphone: 021 692 32 69

Domicele Jonauskaite

Mots clés

Perception des couleurs
Psychologie interculturelle

Prix et distinctions scientifiques

Faculty Prize for an Excellent PhD thesis (SSP, UNIL) 2022
Faculty Prize award for a PhD thesis of exceptional clarity and depth, concluding with a new theory of colour. For the consistent contribution of cross-cultural data, solutions to logistical and statistical challenges, and evidence confronting folk psychology. For her outstanding contribution as the first author of twelve publications.

Young Scientist Award (Swiss Psychological Society) 2022
The Swiss Psychological Society issues the Young Scientist Award to promote junior scientists in Switzerland in the field of psychology. The award is granted to a scientific publication of outstanding quality, which was produced in the frame of a doctoral degree (article in a peer-reviewed journal).
Access article:

Best Poster Award (International Society for Research on Emotion) 2019
ISRE 2019 award for the best poster presentation.

See poster:

Undergraduate Award (British Psychological Society) 2014
The BPS Undergraduate Award is awarded to those students who were nominated by their institutions after achieving the highest overall score in a BPS accredited degree programme in Psychology.

Beatrice Edgell Prize (Royal Holloway, University of London) 2012
Beatrice Edgell Prize is given for the first year psychology student who achieved the highest grades.


Membres associés

Nom Fonction
Awo Larry School of General Studies; Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas ; Bonny : Nigeria
Bonsack Charles CHUV
Dael Nele HEC, Université de Lausanne
Debrot Anik MER 1, IP, Unil
De Roten Yves Université de Lausanne
Dimitrova Nevena Haute Ecole de Travail Social et de la Santé (HETS&Sa Lausanne)
Docherty Neil Université de Berne
Fröhlich Andrea Zurich Forensic Science Institute
Giuliani Fabienne CHUV
Golay Philippe CHUV
Gygax Pascal Université de Fribourg
Grivel Jeremy CHUV
Hugues Juan Carlos Université de Lausanne
Infanti Alexandre Université du Luxembourg, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Maren Mayer Stiftung Medien in der Bildung, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien
Martin Soelch Chantal Université de Fribourg
Nador Jeff Applied Cognition Face Cognition Lab
Nogueira Lopez Abel Université de León
Ribotta Blandine Digital Humanities, EPFL,
Von Hammerstein Cora APHP Inserm UMR-S 1144 Université de Paris
Zecca Gregory Cabinet de Diagnostic et Soins