UNIL Rectorate

UNIL Rectorate
On Stair Landing, from left to right: Estelle Doudet, Benoît Frund, Frédéric Herman, Jérôme Rossier, on Stairs, from left to right: Marc de Perrot, Liliane Michalik, Giorgio Zanetti


The new Rectorate, which will take up its duties on 1 August 2021 for a five-year term of office, the new Direction, the University of Lausanne's steering body, is headed by Rector Frédéric Herman. Organized into six departments (General Affairs, Research, Ecological Transition and Campus, Equality, Diversity and Careers, Human Resources and Teaching), it comprises five Vice Rectors and a general secretary. Through its members, who are mainly from the academic world, this Rectorate benefits from a broad representation of the Faculties.

Among its tasks, the Rectorate is responsible for organising and directing the administration of the University, while supervising the Faculties. It defines and implements the general and long-term policy of UNIL and builds the structures for the exploitation of research results.

At the beginning of the legislature, this authority also draws up a Intentions Plan, which is submitted to the University Council for approval in order to negotiate the multi-year Strategic Plan with the Departments for the attention of the State Council.

The Rectorate may also negotiate and conclude Inter-university collaboration agreements, after consultation with the Faculties concerned. It is also responsible for appointing Deans, ratifying regulations and hiring Professors, on the proposal of the Faculty Councils. All its powers are listed in article 24 of the LUL.

Appointed every five years by the State Council on the proposal of the University Council, the Rector is responsible for appointing a maximum of seven Vice-Rectors. On Thursday 25 February 2021, the UNIL Council validated the choice of Frédéric Herman. This legislature will end on 31 July 2026.

> Organisation Chart of Rectorate

Portraits of Rectorate Members:

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