Rochat Shékina
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Personal page : ORCID record : ![]() Faculté des sciences sociales et politiques
Centre de recherche en psychologie du conseil et de l'orientation
Institut de psychologie
Institut de psychologie (IP) |
Indécision vocationnelle
Motivation d'accomplissement
Orientation scolaire et professionnelle
Psychologie positive
Scientific distinctions and prizes
SWIPPA Award 2018
prix de la Société Suisse de Psychologie Positive pour une excellente thèse de doctorat
Young Scientist Award 2017
prix de la Société Suisse de Psychologie pour l'article "Integrating motivational interviewing in career counseling: A case study"
Mentor Research Award 2015
prix de la National Career Development Association pour le projet "Efficacy of motivational interviewing in career counseling"
Prix Spécial 2020
pour le jeu "Sustainable Career Cards Sort (SCCS)", obtenu dans le cadre de la Future Time Traveller European Competition for Innovative Career Guidance
Prix de l’Innovation APO 2023 2023
prix de l'Association pour les Progrès en Orientation pour l'Inventaire des Difficultés d'Éco-Orientation (IDÉO)
Associate members
Name | Organisation |
Aluja Anton | Université de Lleida, Espagne |
Bernaud Jean-Luc | CNAM, France |
Blustein David | Boston College, Etats-Unis |
Université de Zürich | |
Cardoso Paulo | Université d'Evora, Portugal |
Dahourou Donatien | Université de Ouaga 1, Burkina Faso |
Duarte Maria | Université de Lisbonne, Portugal |
Elston Verity | Portfolio Formation |
Fiori Marina | Université de Lausanne |
Fournier Geneviève | Université Laval, Canada |
Université de Floride | |
Gati Itamar | Université hébraïque de Jérusalem |
Guichard Jean | CNAM, France |
Hansenne Michael | Université de Liège, Belgique |
Hirsch Andreas | Université de Berne, Suisse |
Holder Gaspard | Association vaudoise des psychologues en orientation (AVPO) |
Maggiori Christian | Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, Fribourg |
Marcionetti Jenny | Supsi |
Moumoula Issa | Université Norbert Zongo, Koudougou, Burkina Faso |
Nota Laura | Université de Padoue, Italie |
Orly Louis Isabelle | Université Paris Nanterre |
Paboussoum Pari | n/a |
Orly Louis Isabelle | Université Paris Nanterre |
Pouyaud Jacques | Université de Bordeaux, France |
Savickas Mark | Northeast Ohio Medical University, Etats-Unis |
Schreiber Marc | Université des sciences appliquées de Zurich, Suisse |
Soresi Salvatore | Université de Padoue, Italie |
Sovet Laurent | Université Paris-Descartes |
Watson Mark | Université métropolitaine Nelson Mandela, Afrique du Sud |
Watson Mark | Université métropolitaine Nelson Mandela, Afrique du Sud |
Whiston Susan | Université de l'Indiana, Etats Unis |
Eva Clot-Siegrist After studying vocational and counseling psychology, clinical psychology and psychopathology in Lausanne and Paris-V, I worked as an postdoctoral assistant at the University of Lausanne and as counseling psychologist at the Vaud Cantonal School for Deaf Children (Lausanne). Since 2000 I teach in the counseling department of the Institute of Psychology where I supervise the field practice of master's students in career-counseling and counseling psychology. I work in parallel with public and private organizations in the field of individual and group assessment. My areas of interest include biographical narratives and career and life paths, sense of well-being at work, and transitions and processes of identity building. |
Jean-Pierre Dauwalder I am president of the Swiss Federal Authority for Psychology (PSYKO) and professor emeritus of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Former head of the Department of Vocational Psychology and Career Counseling, I have organized, through my career, international conferences on behavior modification, health psychology, vocational guidance and self-organization, was member of many editorial boards and published more than 130 articles, books and chapters. I am the former President of the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC), and a founding member of the Life-Design Research Group, NICE-Erasmus academic network, UNESCO Chair Council and many professional associations in the fields of psychology and counseling. In 2010, I was honored by the Award of the IAAP (Division of Counseling Psychology) in Melbourne and, in 2013, by the first ‘Julius-Suter-Medal’ for Applied Psychology in Switzerland. |
Federico Durante After a Bachelor's in psychology from the University of Geneva I obtained a Master in vocational counseling at the University of Lausanne. I was later trained in intercultural approaches and narrative coaching, and became a certified SFP coach. Since 1998, I work with the State of Vaud, mainly in schools and career counseling centers. I work primarily with young migrants and other school students who are from unprivileged backgrounds or at risk of marginalization. I am also currently employed by “L’Ecole de la Transition” (formerly “OPTI”) as a counselor, and by the Institute of Psychology as a teaching assistant. |
Sylvie Franz After studying vocational and counseling psychology, I worked as a research assistant and psychologist in Switzerland and Canada in the fields of counseling and guidance, adult education and supervision of psychologists. I teach at the Institute of Psychology for the Master in Counseling and Guidance Psychology and in the MAS in Human Resource Management and Careers. As a psychologist with a private practice, I accompany adults in a skill assessment process. My areas of interest include transitions in career paths, migration and socio-professional integration, group approaches, and the processes and tools of OSP care. |
Jonas Masdonati After obtaining a doctorate in education from the University of Fribourg and working as a practitioner and researcher in the fields of counseling and vocational training, I joined Université Laval (Québec) as a professor of counseling. Since 2015, I have been a professor at the UNIL Institute of Psychology, where I am responsible for the counseling and career guidance programs. My research focuses on school and vocational transitions, career reorientations, building identity in the workplace, integration and vocational training, values and the relationship to work, and the processes and effects of career counseling. |
Koorosh Massoudi Holder of a doctorate in psychology from the University of Lausanne and specialized in the management of stress, I am a teacher and researcher at the Institute of Psychology. At the heart of my activities is an inquiry into the paradoxical nature of work, as a vehicle for creativity, self-fulfillment and human solidarity, but also as an unbridled race that sometimes leads to conflict, suffering and exclusion. In addition to my research on health promotion and the prevention of psychosocial risks at work, I teach psychological assessment methods and counseling techniques. I am also a consultant to individuals and companies. |
Jérôme Rossier After studying psychology at the Universities of Lausanne and Geneva, and the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), and scientific stays at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the National Institute of Health (United-States), and the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), I am a full professor of vocational and counseling psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lausanne, and member of the psychology and educational sciences panel of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF). My teaching areas and research interests include counseling, personality, psychological assessment, and cross-cultural psychology. I am the current editor of the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, and I have recently co-edited the Handbook of the life design (Hogrefe). I am currently conducting several projects funded by the SNF about professional paths and people’s adaptability abilities. |
Shékina Rochat After obtaining my doctorate’s degree in vocational and counseling psychology, I worked as Head of services for the Vaud State Office of Career Counseling before joining the University of British Columbia for a postdoctoral research project funded by the Swiss National Research Foundation. Currently, I am a substitute senior lecturer at the Institute of Psychology, and also the interim president of the CAS in Positive Psychology at the Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL Foundation. Being a practitioner-researcher at heart, my research interests focus on motivation, play, well-being, sustainability and indecision in the context of career counseling. In 2019, I published the book “L’art du conseil en orientation : une carte des interventions” (Lucnia).
Anouk Jasmine Albien (Ph |