Mazzoleni Oscar
Contact | Curriculum | Research | Teaching | Publications |
Teaching given to the UNIL
Name | Position(s) |
Christina Bornatici | Doctorante |
Michèle Ernst Stähli | Responsable de secteur de recherche |
Brian Kleiner | Responsable du Data and Research Information Services (DARIS) |
Oliver Lipps | Responsable de recherche |
Georg Lutz | Professeur associé ad personam (IEP) |
Nicolas Pekari | Doctorant |
Marlène Sapin | Chargée de recherche (ISS) |
Robin Tillmann | Responsable de secteur de recherche (FORS) |
Anke Tresch | Professeure associée ad personam (IEP) |
Marieke Voorpostel | Responsable de recherche |
Boris Wernli | Professeur titulaire (ISS) |
Name | Position(s) |
Erika Antal | Researcher (FORS) |
André Berchtold | Associate Professor (ISS) |
Laura Bernardi | Full Professor (ISS) |
Jérôme Blondé | Senior FNS Researcher (ISS) |
Felix Bühlmann | Associate Professor (ISS) |
Nora Dasoki | Researcher (FORS) |
Pablo Diaz | Responsible administrative and strategic mission (FORS) |
Max Felder | Researcher (FORS) |
Eva Green | Associate Professor (IP) |
Jessica Herzing | Scientific Collaborator (University of Bern) |
Dominique Joye | Professor Emeritus (ISS) |
Ursina Kuhn | Senior researcher (FORS) |
Lionel Marquis | Senior Lecturer (IEP) |
Davide Morselli | Senior Lecturer (ISS) |
Michael Ochsner | Senior research (FORS) |
Alexandre Pollien | Doctoral Student (ISS) |
Dario Spini | Full Professor (ISS) |
Christian Staerklé | Associate Professor (IP) |
Alexandra Stam | Senior research (FORS) |
Leen Vandecasteele | Associate Professor (ISS) |