
Ammann Odile

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications

Axes de recherche

Droit constitutionnel

Droit international public

Droit européen

Théorie du droit

Droit parlementaire


Evénements et manifestations


Title tbc, Corpus Christi College, University of Cambridge, 23 February 2022 (invited speaker)

The Regulation of Lobbying in Switzerland and the United States', joint event organized by the Alumni-ae Network of Harvard Women (Swiss Branch) and the Harvard Club Switzerland, Zurich, 21 February 2022

Academic workshop on 'Transparency and Participation in the Face of Scientific Uncertainty', York University, 27-28 January 2022

'Agriculture as a Vested Interest', DemocracyNet Research Workshop on 'Vested Interests and Democracy', University of Zurich, 10 December 2021

'Richterwahlen in der Schweiz', event organized by the Swiss Study Foundation ('Treffpunkt Bern'), Federal Parliament, Bern, 16 November 2021

Panel on 'Law as a Vector of Political (In)equality', Annual Conference of the Swiss Association for Gender Studies on 'Women*'s Suffrage and Democracy: Critique, Memory, Visions', University of Zurich, 26 November 2021

'The Power of Agricultural Interest Groups (Lobbying) in Legislative Processes', Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg, 12-13 November 2021

'Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen des parlamentarischen Lobbyismus', Alumni Organization of the Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics Program, University of Zurich, 14 October 2021

'The Constitutional Foundations of Parliamentary Lobby Regulation: Shedding Light on the Free Mandate', Stanford International Junior Faculty Forum, Stanford Law School, 8-9 October 2021

'Lobbyismus und deliberative Demokratie', Habilkreis Recht, Ernen, 11 September 2021

'The Constitutional Foundations of Parliamentary Lobby Regulation: Shedding Light on the Guarantee of the Free Mandate Pursuant to Art. 38(1) Phrase 2 of the German Basic Law', International Association of Constitutional Law (IACL) Junior Scholars Forum

'Food Security and Symbolic Legislation in Switzerland: A False Sense of Security?' (with C. Blattner), 2021 Congress of the European Society for Agriculture and Food Ethics (EurSafe), University of Fribourg, 25 June 2021

'Transparency at the Expense of Equality and Integrity: Present and Future Directions of Lobby Regulation in the European Parliament', 10th Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on the European Union, online event, 11 June 2021

'The Interpretation of Customary International Law: Art or Science?', ERC-funded TRICI-Law Conference on 'Interpretation in International Law: Rules, Content, and Evolution', online event, University of Groningen, 11 June 2021

'Frauen(wahl)rechte aus transnationaler Perspektive', Panel Discussion, Conference Series '"Ebenso neu als kühn" - 50 Jahre Frauenstimm- und -wahlrecht in der Schweiz', University of Zurich, 20 April 2021

'Parliamentary Committees and Parliamentary Groups in the Swiss Legislative Process', Swiss Young Academy, 31 March 2021

'Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen des parlamentarischen Lobbyismus in liberalen Demokratien', Liechtenstein-Institute, Bendern, Liechtenstein, 25 March 2021

'Citizenship by Investment and Residency by Investment: Just the Tip of the Iceberg? The Pervasiveness of Financial Considerations in Contemporary Citizenship and Immigration Laws', Seminar on Investment Migration, University of Oxford, 11 March 2021

'Die verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Regulierung von Lobbytätigkeiten in westlichen Demokratien: Zur Notwendigkeit einer zeitgemässen und demokratischen Auslegung des freien Mandats', 61. JTÖR, Universität Münster, 23-26 February 2021

'Language Bias as a Driver of Inequality in International Law: Symptoms, Causes, Risks, and Remedies', online workshop on 'Practising Reflexivity in International Law', European University Institute, 22 February 2021


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