

Equal Opportunities Office training

Online training

Implicit Bias Awareness in professoral recruitment

Mandatory training on implicit bias in academic recruitment for any member of the academic staff who is called upon to participate in a professoral recruitment committee.

Open courses

Find out about all the open courses offered by the Equal Opportunities Office at


Course organised on request

Harcèlement sexuel et dispositif Aide | Unil : comprendre, prévenir et agir (in French)

This 4-hour training session aims to provide guidelines for understanding sexism and sexual harassment, preventing it and acting appropriately when a situation arises. It allows students to identify situations involving sexism and/or sexual harassment in the work or study environment, to react appropriately and to prevent these phenomena. It proposes to explore intervention methods by working on practical cases and analyzing them in light of the law. It also provides an opportunity to discover the Help | Unil tool and its resource persons.

The training is led by the Equal Opportunities Office, the Work and Study Climate Protection Officer, a jurist and a person of trust from Help | Unil.


  • To be familiar with the definition and legal framework of sexism and sexual harassment, and to be able to recognize its constituent elements and the different forms of manifestation
  • To be able to identify risky situations in the workplace or at school and react appropriately
  • To know the position, the system and the resources of UNIL (institutional message / Charter and Directive 0.4. / harassment and discrimination prevention system / resources, tools, training) in terms of prevention and management of sexism and sexual harassment


½ day (4h), dates to be planned or according to needs (customized training for a department for example)

Target audience

Any interested person from the UNIL community / can be adapted to a more specific audience (managers, academics or PAT, students, etc.)


If you wish to organize a customized training for your team, please write to us at

Other UNIL courses

Online courses

"Preventing and stopping sexism and sexual harassment, that's my job!" (in French, English version soon avalaible)
Online module to raise awareness of sexism and sexual harassment, for professors, managers and supervisors.

"Understanding conflicts and violations of personal rights at work"
Online module on conflicts and violations of personal rights, including sexual harassment and psychological harassment, for all members of the UNIL community.

Inclusive leadership training | HEC Lausanne

In French. More information

Training outside UNIL

Centre d'éducation permanente

For UNIL staff, the cost of these courses is covered by the unit to which they belong, within the limits of the budgets allocated to the CEP.

"Practising inclusive leadership" (in French)
One-day training for managers.

"Conflicts and harassment at work" (in French)
Online training for anyone interested.

"Women and Career: a process to align your professional and life path" (in French)
3-day training for women.


"Me? Harassment?! It's no longer a laughing matter!"
Online course developed and offered by the Canton of Geneva.

"Promoting equality and diversity in the professional world" (in French)
3-day training course offered by the University of Geneva.

"Developing an inclusive workplace: diversity management and LGBT rights" (in French)
One and a half day course offered by the University of Geneva.

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