VIU Summer Sessions

Venice International University

Still haven't found the mobility project that's right for you?
Sign up for a Summer Session at VIU!

What is Venice International University (VIU)?

The VIU is unique: it is a consortium of 20 renowned universities from all over the world with a common campus in Venice where students and teachers from the member universities meet.

What is the VIU Summer Session?

Each course consists of 40 hours, including a virtual component to be held before the start of the programme, from 1 to 31 July 2024.

Financial support

Subject to prior selection of candidates, UNIL will cover the cost of round-trip 2nd class rail travel (Lausanne <-> Venice) and accommodation in the San Servolo residence. Reimbursement upon presentation of supporting documents and certificate of participation after the stay.

Application process


Stage 1:

  • Be enrolled in the 1st or 2nd year of a Bachelor's programme
  • Write to the HEC Mobility Office to validate the course: by 7 May 2024, 12 noon.

Step 2:
Once the course has been validated by Jessica Fastré, register for the Summer Session on the VIU website and send by 10 May 2024:

  • a copy of your student card
  • a covering letter indicating the links to the 2 courses selected & other reasons explaining your interest in taking part
  • proof of approval from your mobility advisor, Jessica Fastré


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Tel. +41 21 692 33 00
Fax +41 21 692 33 05
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