Membres de l'Institut

Vowels Laura

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications

Axes de recherche

Couples and sexual desire discrepancy
This research area focuses on understanding sexual desire discrepancy (i.e. when dyad members have mismatched desire which can be in terms of frequency and duration or how partners want to engage in sexual activity). Sexual desire discrepancy is one of the most common difficulties that couples face and cause distress in 25-69% of couples. The research focuses on understanding what predicts desire discrepancy in couples and also on how to help couples manage desire discrepancy in their relationships. The aim is to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework of desire discrepancy as well as evidence-based interventions for couples to help them manage desire discrepancy in relationships.

Support in close relationships
Humans are focused on working towards and achieving different types of goals (e.g. education, health, career, relationships). Close relationships (e.g. partners, parents, peers) play a crucial role in providing support to pursue these opportunities. This area of research aims to understand when, how, from whom, and for whom support is beneficial for goal outcomes and how individuals can both provide support for each other as well as elicit support from the other.

