Enseignants, assistants, collaborateurs scientifiques et administratifs

Lutz Georg

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications

Axes de recherche

Political behaviour
with special interest on voting behavior and electoral participation

Political institutions
especially electoral systems as well as Swiss politics and survey research methods



Projets FNS

DeFacto - A Political Science Online Platform (Agora project)
2015 - 2017  (26  mois)
Requérant·e: Fabrizio Gilardi, Georg Lutz (co-)
The objective of the project was to create an online publication platform to publish articles on Swiss political science research for the politically interested public. The platform was a response to the growing gap between the theoretical and methodological re-quirements of international scientific publications in social sciences and the interest of a wider public.
Link to the online publication platform DeFacto

Networks or good campaigns? Electoral success of Swiss candidates in the 2015 elections
2015 - 2018  (37  mois)
Requérant·e: Georg Lutz, André Mach (co-)
Autres collaborateurs-trices: André Mach, Primavesi Riccardo
This project studies the impact of networks and campaigning of candidates running for national elections in Switzerland in the 2015 elections on their electoral success.This project will contribute to understanding better how candidates compete in elections and what matters for them to get preference votes and to get elected. Candidates play a crucial role in many electoral democracies, because they are the direct link between voters and decision-making processes within parties, in parliaments and governments. Therefore, to understand more about how candidates compete and what matters for their success is essential to understand the process of representation. We will look at the role of candidates in Switzerland.

Autres projets

Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)
The CSES is a collaborative program of research among election study teams from around the world. Participating countries and provinces include a common module of survey questions in their post-election studies. The resulting data are deposited along with voting, demographic, district and macro/electoral system variables. The studies are then merged into a single, free, public dataset for use in comparative study and cross-level analysis.
Georg Lutz is member of the planning committee of CSES since 2014.
Website: www.cses.org

The Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS)
The Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS) is a joint multi-national project with the goal of collecting data on candidates running for national parliamentary elections in different countries using a common core questionnaire to allow for cross-country comparison. Data collection comprises surveys among candidates as well as relevant context information concerning the constituency of the candidate and the political system at large.
Georg Lutz is member of the CSS steering committee since 2012 and director of the CSS Swiss study since 2007.
Website: www.comparativecandidates.org


Collaborations et réseaux


Action COST IS0806 The True European Voter
Member of the management committee
Objective: The main objective of the Action is to increase the material preconditions and the scholarly competence for analyzing variations in the effectiveness of electoral democracy in Europe across countries and over time. Preconditions will be strengthened by the identification, adaption and integration of the variety of national specific data bases on electoral behaviour.
Duration: 2009-2014

Collaborations externes

Working group of the Swiss Political Science Association «Political Behavior and Political Communication»
The Working Group in Political Behavior and Political Communication is an interdisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of current research that uses an empirical orientation to examine the micro-foundations of elite, party or citizen behavior, and to analyze political communication, and campaigning. Topics include but are not limited to strategic action, political communication, issue ownership, framing, party competition, public opinion, and voting behavior, individual preferences, and information. This is a methodologically plural forum open to faculty, graduate students, and other members of the academic community.


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