Mathieu Emmanuelle
Coordonnées | Curriculum | Recherches | Enseignements | Publications |
Axes de recherche
Droit et politique
Gouvernance multi-niveaux
Industries de réseau (éléctricité, télécommunications)
Politique europénne
Politiques publiques comparées
Regulation et développement
Projets FNS
Régulation dans les pays en développement: Electricité en Afrique du Nord
2023 - 2027 (48 mois)
Requérant·e: Emmanuelle Mathieu
Autres collaborateurs-trices: Noel Löcse, Colin Pache
In the face of rising concerns for energy security and for climate change, huge investment projects about the production of renewable energies in Northern Africa are under consideration. Attracting investments require adopting credible investor friendly policies. In this context, international organisations push for the adoption of liberalization and regulatory reforms, coupled with the creation of independent regulatory agencies. This project focusses on the electricity sector reforms adopted in the region, with a particular emphasis on the Moroccan, Algerian and Tunisian cases. In a bottom-up approach, it examines and explains the extent to which these reforms depart from the international prescription, and evaluates the impact of different policy designs observed on the level of private investments. The research contributes to our understanding of the factors of diffusion of regulatory agencies in developing countries, of the dynamics of economic reforms in Northern Africa, and on the factors of development policy success.
Collaborations et réseaux
Institut Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (IBEI)