Céline Weyermann

e-mail :
ORCID record :  orcid.org/0000-0002-3533-3919

Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration

Forensic Science (SF)
Position(s) : Full Professor

Bâtiment Batochime 6406


Dating / chronology/ aging kinetics
Environment: micropollutants in water environment
Forensic science / criminalistics
Questioned documents
Trace composition (ink, gunshot residue, fingermark)

Scientific distinctions and prizes

Award of the association of the alumini (for research works) 2000

Recipient : Céline Weyermann

ENFSI Emerging Forensic Scientist Award 2012

The purpose of this award is to honour a young forensic scientist who has performed an outstanding scientific work (http://www.enfsi.eu/hall-fame/emerging-forensic-scientist-award/2012-c%C3%A9line-weyermann)
Recipient : Céline Weyermann

Award Atlántida 2012

Recipient : Céline Weyermann

Best poster award 2013

The poster "Situating forensic traces in time" received the best poster award (scientific session) at the 17th International Forensic Science Managers Symposium in Lyon (8-10 october 2013).
Recipient : Céline Weyermann, Olivier Ribaux

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tél. +41 21 692 11 11
Swiss University