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Middelmann NK, Calbimonte JP, Wake EB, Jaquerod ME, Junod N, Glaus J, Sidiropoulou O, Plessen KJ, Murray MM*, Vowels MJ* (2024) The ADVANCE toolkit: automated descriptive video annotation in naturalistic child environments. [preprint]
Giacchi G, Iakovidis I, Stuber M, Murray MM, Milani B, Franceschiello B (2024) ALMA: a mathematics-driven approach for determining tuning parameters in generalized LASSO problems, with applications to MRI. [preprint]
Retsa C, Hernando Ariza A, Noordanus NW, Ruffoni L, Murray MM, Franceschiello B (2024) A psychophysically-tuned computational model of human primary visual cortex produces geometric optical illusions. Current Research in Neurobiology, [DOI].
Vowels MJ (2024). Trying to outrun causality with machine learning: Limitations of model explainability techniques for exploratory research. Psychological Methods. [DOI].
Gilad-Gutnick S, Kurian GS, Gupta P, Shah P, Tiwari K, Ralekar C, Gandhi T, Ganesh S, Mathur U, Sinha P (2024) Motion's privilege in recognizing facial expressions following treatment for blindness. Current BIology [DOI]
Murray MM, Middelmann NK, Federmeier KD (2024) Animal Cognition: Dogs build semantic expectations between spoken words and objects. Current Biology, 34(9):R348-R351 [DOI].
Steinfeld K, Murray MM (2024) Cortical visual processing differences in myopia and blur. Under review [DOI]
Infanti A, Giardina A, Razum J, King DL, Baggio S, Snodgrass JG, Vowels MJ, Schimmenti A, Kiraly O, Rumpf HJ, Vögele C, Billieux J (2024) User-avatar bond as diagnostic indicator for gaming disorder: A word on the side of caution. Journal of Behavioral Addictions 13(4): 885-893 [DOI]
Ramon M, Vowels MJ, Groh M (2024) Deepfake detection in super-recognizers and police offices. IEEE Security & Privacy [DOI]
Frackowiak M, Russell PS, Vowels MJ Hilpert P (2024) Disentangling the good, the bad, and the neural of co-present mobile phone use: A new perspective on "partner phubbing". Mobile Media & Communication: 1-24 [DOI]
Décaillet M, Denervaud S, Huguenin-Virchaux C, Besuchet L, Fischer Fumeaux C, Murray MM*, Schneider J* (2024) The Impact of Premature Birth on Multisensory Processes in Very Preterm Schoolchildren. NPJ Science of Learning, 9(1):42. [DOI]
Denervaud S, Tovar DA, Knebel JF, Mullier E, Aleman-Gomez Y, Hagmann P*, Murray MM* (2024) Exploring the interplay of age and pedagogy in the maturation of error-monitoring. Mind, Brain, and Education [DOI]
Retsa C, Turpin H, Geiser E, Ansermet F, Muller-Nix C, Murray MM (2024) Longstanding auditory sensory and semantic differences in preterm born children. Brain Topography, 37(4):536-551. [DOI] [PubMed].
Tivadar RI, Franceschiello B, Minier AS, Murray MM (2023) Learning and navigating digitally rendered haptic spatial layouts. NPJ Science of Learning 8:61 [DOI] [PubMed]
Maillard E, Joyal M, Murray MM, Tremblay P (2023) Do musical activities enhance the perception of speech in noise? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Current Research in Neurobiology, 4:100083 [DOI].
Simon-Martinez C, Antoniou MP, Bouthour W, Bavelier D, Levi D, Backus BT, Dornos B, Blaha J, Kropp M, Müller H, Murray MM, Thumann G, Steffen H, Matusz PJ (2023) Stereoptic serious games as a visual rehabilitation tool for individuals with a residual amblyopia (AMBER trial): A protocol for a crossover randomized controlled trial. BMC Ophthalmology, in press. [DOI]
Stachon AL, Quanash DY, Schenk S, Retsa C, Halter RJ, Murray MM, Lacroix A, Horsch A, Toepel U, Puder J (2023) Brain responses to food viewing in women during pregnancy and postpartum and their relationship with metabolic health: Study protocol for the FOODY brain study. BMJ Open, 13(4):e067013. [PubMed] [DOI]
Notter MP*, Herholz P*, Da Costa S, Gulban OF, Isik AI, Gaglianese A, Murray MM (2023) fMRIflows: A Consortium of Fully Automatic Univariate and Multivariate fMRI Processing Pipelines. Brain Topography 36(2):172-191. [PubMed] [DOI]
Benitez-Barrera CR, Key AP, Murray MM, Ricketts TA, Retsa C, Tharpe AM (2023) Plasticity changes in central auditory systems of school-age children following a brief training with a remote microphone system. Ear and Hearing, [PubMed] [DOI].
Layer N, WeglageA, Müller V, Meister H, Lang-Roth R, Walger M, Murray MM, Sandmann P (2022) Electrophysiological differences and similarities in audiovisual speech processing in CI users with unilateral and bilateral hearing loss. Current Research in Neurobiology, 3:100059 [DOI]
Tivadar RI, Arnold RC, Turoman N, Knebel JF, Murray MM (2022) Digital haptics improve speed of visual search performance in a dual-task setting. Scientific Reports 12: 9728. [DOI] [PubMed]
Franceschiello B, Di Noto T, Bourgeois A, Murray MM, Minier A, Pouget P, Richiardi J, Bartolomeo P, Anselmi F (2022). Machine learning algorithms on eye tracking trajectories to classify patients with spatial neglect. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 221:106929. [DOI] [PubMed].
Fracasso A, Gaglianese A, Vansteensel MJ, Aarnoutse EJ, Ramsey NF, Dumoulin SO, Petridou N (2022) FMRI and intra-cranial electrocorticography recordings in the same human subjects reveals negative BOLD signal coupled with silenced neuronal activity. Brain Structure and Function 227(4):1371-1384.
Franceschiello B, Lefebvre J, Murray MM, Glomb K (2022) A roadmap for computational modelling of M/EEG. Brain Topography 35:1-3. [DOI] [PubMed]
Layer N, Weglage A, Müller V, Meister H, Lang-Roth R, Walger M, Murray MM, Sandmann P (2022) The timecourse of multisensory speech processing in unilaterally stimulated cochlear implant users revealed by ERPs. Neuroimage: Clinical.34: 102982 [DOI] [PubMed]
Khadimallah I, Jenni R, Cabungcal JH, Cleusix M, Fournier M, Klauser P, Knebel JF, Murray MM, Retsa C, Siciliano M, Spencer KM, Steullet P, Cuenod M, Conus P, Do KQ (2022) Mitochondria, exosomes and gamma synchrony as biomarkers of parvalbumin interneurons and cognitive impairment in schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry, 27(2):1192-1204. [DOI] [PubMed]
Radecke JO, Schierholz I, Kral A, Lenarz T, Murray MM, Sandmann P (2022) Distinct multisensory perceptual processes guide enhanced auditory recognition memory in older cochlear implant users. Neuroimage: Clinical 33: 102942 [DOI] [PubMed]
Glomb K, Cabral J, Cattani A, Mazzoni A, Raj A, Franceschiello B (2022) Computational Models in Electroencephalography. Brain Topography, 35:142-161. [DOI] [PubMed]
Billings J, Tivadar RI, Murray MM, Franceschiello B, Petri G (2022) Topological Features of Electroencephalography are Robust to Re-referencing and Preprocessing. Brain Topography, 35:79-95 [DOI] [PubMed].
Battiston F, Amico E, Barrat A, Bianconi G, Ferraz de Arruda G, Franceschiello B, Icopini I, Kefi S, Latoras V, Moreno Y, Murray MM, Peixoto TP, Vaccarino F, Petri G (2021) The physics of higher-order interactions in complex systems. Nature Physics, 17: 1093–1098 [DOI].
Turoman N, Tivadar RI, Retsa C, Murray MM, Matusz PJ (2021) Towards understanding how we pay attention in naturalistic visual search settings. Neuroimage, 244: 118556 [PubMed] [DOI].
Denervaud S, Tovar DA, Knebel JF, Mullier E, Aleman-Gomez Y, Hagmann P, Murray MM (2021) The interplay of age and pedagogy in maturation of error-monitoring. psyarxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.31219/osf.io/7nbqz.
Fracasso A, Gaglianese A, Vansteensel MJ, Aarnoutse EJ, Ramsey NF, Dumoulin SO, Petridou N (2021) FMRI and intra-cranial electrocorticography recordings in the same human subjects reveals negative BOLD signal coupled with silenced neuronal activity. Brain Structure and Function, [DOI] [PubMed]
Retsa C, Hernando Ariza A, Noordanus NW, Ruffoni L, Murray MM, Franceschiello B (2021) A psychophysically-tuned computational model of human primary visual cortex produces geometric optical illusions. bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.01.182329
Notter MP, Herholz P, Da Costa S, Gulban OF, Isik AI, Murray MM (2021) fMRIflows: a consortium of fully automatic univariate and multivariate fMRI processing pipelines. bioRxiv 2021.03.23.436650; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.23.436650.
Franceschiello B, Bourgeois A, Minier A, Murray MM, Pouget P, Bartolomeo P, Anselmi F (2021) Convolutional neural networks on eye tracking trajectories in patients with spatial neglect. medRxiv 2020.07.02.20143941; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.07.02.20143941.
Glomb K, Cabral J, Cattani A, Mazzoni A, Raj A, Franceschiello B (2021) Computational models in EEG. Brain Topography, [DOI] [PubMed].
Matusz PJ, Merkley R, Faure M, Scerif G (2019). Expert Attention: Attentional allocation depends on the differential development of multisensory number representations. Cognition. in press. [DOI]
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