Tumor Biology

prox1 cancer.jpg (Ragusa et al Graphical Abstract)

PROX1 Promotes Metabolic Adaptation and Fuels Outgrowth of Wnthigh Metastatic Colon Cancer Cells

Abnormal Wnt pathway activation is involved in the initiation of most colorectal cancers; however, little is known about its contribution to metastatic outgrowth. Ragusa et al. report that the Wnt target transcription factor PROX1 is produced in a subpopulation of colon cancer stem/progenitor cells and orchestrates the transcriptional network responsible for autophagy-dependent survival of metastases. Inactivation of PROX1 or PROX1-associated pathways prevents expansion of macrometastases and may provide new targets for therapeutic intervention in Wnthigh colorectal cancer.

Ragusa S., Cell Reports, 2014

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