Blood pressure measurements

Non-invasive blood pressure | Direct Arterial | Pressure-volume loop | Telemetry Device

Non-invasive blood pressure

This method allows a measurement of non-invasive blood pressure in the awake, conscious animal.
Non-invasive blood pressures are obtained from the mice using the Blood Pressure Analysis System from Visitech Systems, Inc (Apex, NC). The pulse is detected on the tail, distal to the tail cuff, with a photoelectric sensor. The detected pulse is displayed on the computer monitor and the cuff is inflated by the system. This system is only available for mice.

CAF also offers an other system for mice and rats: CODA from Kent Scientific Corporation.Blood pressure is measured in the tail of the mouse or rat, but using Volume Pressure Recording (VPR) sensor technology. The included software allows you to continuously view data in real-time. 

For both systems, the animals are placed on a warm platform to increase blood flow to the tail in order to improve the pulse detection. The animals are trained on the machine for 5 consecutive days, and the final values are obtained on the sixth and seventh day (unless more days are requested).

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BP2000 system from Visitech CODA system from Kent Scientific Corporation



Direct Arterial

(invasive method)

This method allows for direct arterial blood pressure measurement in the awake, conscious animal after surgery.
A heparined catheter is placed into the carotid artery of the anesthetized rodent and tunnellised subcutaneously to extrude at the back of the neck. Anywhere from 3 to 6 hours is scheduled for recovery from surgery. The blood pressure is recorded following a 1/2 hour adaptation period after connection to the recording equipment. Measurements are acquired with IOX Software (EMKA Technologies, France) and associated pressure amplifier systems. 

Recording of Blood pressure in 2 mice 


Pressure-volume loop

This method allows for direct measurement of left ventricle pressure, Contractility Index and PV loop analysis in animal after surgery.

A 1Fr catheter (Millar) is inserted into the left ventricle through the right common carotid artery. Measurements are acquired with IOX Software (EMKA Technologies, France) and associated Millar amplifier systems MPVS Ultra Single Segment.


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PV-loop catheter 1Fr Millar amplifier system
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PV-loop in baseline condition PV-loop during vena cava occlusion



Telemetry Device

This method allows for long term direct arterial blood pressure measurement in the awake, conscious animal after surgery.



Telemetry for small animal physiology, James E. Niemeyer,Lab Animal volume45, pages255–257 (2016)


For more information, please click here.


CAF/EMIF - Rue du Bugnon 27 - CH-1011 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 314 68 86
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)