2022 - Events and News

University of Zürich | University of Lausanne | University of Geneva | University of Neuchâtel

University of Zürich


2 April 2022 – 10.30-17.15 p.m. (Swiss time, UTC+1)

Veranstaltung „Wissen | Zeigen: Text, Bild, Objekt in der digitalen Vermittlung“ Im Kunst(Zeug)Haus Rapperswil-Jona

Die Veranstaltung "Wissen | Zeigen: Digitale Vermittlung von Text, Bild, Objekt" findet in der Robinson-Bibliothek im Kunst(Zeug)Haus in Rapperswil-Jona statt. Als Insel in den Hauptausstellungsraum gebaut, beherbergt die Bibliothek rund 4000 Robinsonaden: Ausgaben, Übersetzungen und Nachahmungen von Defoes Roman in rund 40 Sprachen, aber auch Zeichnungen, Spiele, Filme und Mappenwerke. Am konkreten Beispiel dieses Wissensortes geht die Veranstaltung der Frage nach, wie Wissen über verschiedene Medien vermittelt werden kann. Sie thematisiert dabei die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen vor allem der Digitalisierung für die Erhaltung von Wissen, welches in Archiven und Bibliotheken materiell bewahrt wird.

More information here.


4 April 2022 – 12.15-13.15 p.m. (Swiss time, UTC+1)

Zurich Early Modern Online Resources Seminar (ZEMORS):

Researching Performance in the Digital Age


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 620 4435 8104   Passcode: 707922


Prof. Pascale Aebischer (University of Exeter): “‘Invisible’ Technology and Live Performance”


Dr Laura Wright (University of Oxford, University College): “Touching without Touching: Acting Intimately in Digital Theatre”


See ZEMORS program and archives here. For any queries, contact Beatrice Montedoro (beatrice.montedoro@es.uzh.ch).


More information here


University of Lausanne


English Department Research Seminar Series

31 March 2022, 16:15–18:00, UNIL Anthropole 5196

Guest Lecture by Philip Durkin (OED): "Borrowed words in Middle and Early Modern English: What we know now, and what we'd like to know."




Rory Critten has been elected a member of the Comité Scientifique du Programme Doctoral en Etudes Médiévales (CUSO).

Denis Renevey was elected as a Fellow of the English Association in February 2022.

Denis Renevey and Christiania Whitehead have been invited to be Visiting Fellows of the English Department at the University of Haifa from 1 March to 31 May 2022.

Denis's FNS project has now begun, under the title "Re-configuring the Apophatic Tradition in Late Medieval England." The project employs one post-doc, Christiania Whitehead, and one doctoral student, Olena Danylovych.

A successful sixth edition of the Lausanne Shakespeare Festival took place at Théâtre La Grange on the Unil campus on the weekend of May 20-22.

The University of Lausanne welcomed two new doctoral researchers in English Renaissance drama under the auspices of Kevin Curran's FNS project "Theater and Judgment in Early Modern England": Céline Magada and Patrick Durdel.

University of Geneva


Guillemette Bolens and Lukas Erne have been elected Fellows of the English Association.


University of Neuchâtel


Emma Depledge has been promoted from professeure assistante avec pré-titularisation conditionnelle (PATT) to Professeure Ordinaire.


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Office 5066 - Anthropole - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 29 90
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