Master in Actuarial science

Degree awarded

Master of Science (MSc) in Actuarial Science



Professor Séverine Arnold, Director of the Master in Actuarial Science (MScAS)

Shape the future by mastering the risks of today!

The climate crisis, social inequalities, longer life expectancy and artificial intelligence are just some of the challenges facing our societies today. These challenges are multiplying all the time. To meet them, an understanding of the risks surrounding us and their implications is essential. The actuary is the professional capable of measuring such risks and forecasting the financial resources needed to deal with them when the time comes. Today, actuaries have become indispensable to the sound management of the risks that our society will have to face in the future.

Actuarial science has been taught at HEC Lausanne for over 100 years, with some 30 graduates each year. Our Master's degree is recognized by the Swiss Association of Actuaries (ASA), as well as by European actuarial associations. In addition, certain courses prepare students for the first actuary examinations of the Society of Actuaries (SOA) in the USA.

Our Master's degree provides you with all the tools you need for effective quantitative risk management. Based on applied mathematics, excellent skills in management, economics, finance, IT and data analytics, including machine learning, are developed. Thanks to the quantitative skills you will develop, you will have a wide range of career prospects in insurance companies, pension funds, consulting firms, banks, multinational corporations, governments and as freelancers, and this as the actuary in charge or even as a CFO, CRO or CEO.  Our alumnis found positions in big international firms (e.g. Swiss Re, Munich Re, Allianz, SCOR, Zurich Insurance Group, AXA, Nestlé), national companies (e.g. la Mobilière, Retraites Populaires, la Vaudoise), consulting firms (Willis Tower Watson, AON, PPCmetrics, Pittet Associés), governmental administrations (e.g. social security in Switzerland and in other countries), or non-governmental organisations (e.g. International Labour Organization). For those interested in an academic career, our Master's degree also provides access to doctoral programs in actuarial science and similar fields around the world.

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