

An explorer mind-set aiming to understand and analyse the fundamental mechanisms of our economic world and the behaviours that determine individual decision-making.

The agents of research at HEC Lausanne

Research at HEC Lausanne is conducted by more than 360 researchers, recognized for the excellence of their work and academic backgroundOur researchers' articles are regularly published in the most selective and prestigious international scientific journals.

The research community at HEC Lausanne also has a distinctively high international composition and wide range of experts, such as economists, sociologists and psychologists.

A public good

Striking a balance between academic rigor and creativity, research at HEC Lausanne contributes significantly to scientific, economic and political debates, as well as the development of an innovative spirit. Its impact becomes concrete in areas such as corporate ethics and governance, tax policy, management techniques, cybersecurity and industrial supply chain management.

Quality - A story of recognition

HEC Lausanne has been awarded a double accreditation by EQUIS and AMBA, which certify the quality of the research and teaching activities held at our institution. Furthermore, our professors and researchers are invited regularly to share their insights more broadly with the general public, through media interviews and as speakers at conferences as well. Our Faculty has also created the blog OUTREACH, a platform specifically dedicated to sharing knowledge with the larger society.

Latest news on research at HEC & UNIL

Age diversity statements change workplace behavior Published on 15.08.24
Age diversity statements change workplace behavior
Faced with an aging workforce, companies need to rethink their approach to age diversity. Focus on the age diversity statements as a new lever for the inclusion of 50+ employees.
Is it time to rethink Big Tech’s acquisition model? Published on 18.07.24
Is it time to rethink Big Tech’s acquisition model?
Do acquisitions of startups by tech giants stifle or boost competition and innovation in the software industry? Recent research by Luise Eisfeld, Assistant Professor of Finance at HEC Lausanne, sheds significant light on this issue.
Read & Publish Agreement with Elsevier Signed for 2024 - 2028 Published on 27.06.24
Read & Publish Agreement with Elsevier Signed for 2024 - 2028
On behalf of Swiss higher education institutions, swissuniversities concluded a comprehensive Open Access agreement with Elsevier on June 10, 2024.
Video series "Décrypté" - Why do some organizations turn to the dark side?
Published on 27.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - Why do some organizations turn to the dark side?
Immoral behavior and corporate scandals: Guido Palazzo, Professor of Business Ethics at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), has made this his hobbyhorse for decades. Through his research, he aims to provide answers to the challenges that arise in this field.
Video series "Décrypté" - Managing the Grand Challenges with innovation and technology
Published on 20.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - Managing the Grand Challenges with innovation...
How can we help international organizations become more effective in managing major challenges (such as poverty or access to healthcare)? What are the levers that can help? In this 3rd episode of our series "Décrypté", meet Prof. Katherine Tatarinov, who addresses these central questions.
Swiss real estate market: new evaluation of ESG practices of 128 investment vehicles Published on 19.06.24
Swiss real estate market: new evaluation of ESG practices of 128 investment vehicles
The Center for Risk Management at Lausanne (CRML) at HEC Lausanne (UNIL), in collaboration with Quanthome SA, has published the latest results of its tool for assessing the ESG criteria of Swiss real estate funds: PRESS scores (Public Real Estate Sustainability Switzerland). Since last year, the methodology has evolved to extend coverage to more than 20,000 properties, representing some 200 billion Swiss francs.
Papago Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary Published on 18.06.24
Papago Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary
Papago, the University of Lausanne's Open Access Personal Assistant, celebrates its 5th anniversary with 3954 records generated and a recent update of R&P agreement titles. A true resource for our researchers, Papago continues to evolve in support of open science!
Seed funding for research on Sustainable Development Published on 18.06.24
Seed funding for research on Sustainable Development
The WUN network launches a call to support the initation of collaborative projects. Projects led by early career researchers are especially encouraged.
Video series  "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
Published on 11.06.24
Video series "Décrypté" - For an analysis of peace factors in the world
How can we avoid violence, war and armed conflict? What factors can help foster peace? Discover the fascinating work of Prof. Dominic Rohner in the 2nd episode of our video series Décrypté, co-produced by HEC Lausanne, L'éprouvette and Mousqueterre.
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Association of MBAs (AMBA)Business School Impact System (BSIS)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)