News and events

Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Invest in health and reduce social unrest Published on 28.11.24
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Invest in health and reduce social unrest
In this third post of reimagining healthcare Prof. Dominic Rohner examines how conflict is linked to the health of a population. What if investing in health could reduce social conflict and strengthen peace?
Academic excellence: thesis prizes winners 2024 Published on 22.11.24
Academic excellence: thesis prizes winners 2024
Seven PhD graduates from HEC Lausanne (UNIL) were awarded prizes during the Annual Doctoral Event on Thursday November 21st, 2024. The Dean’s Office warmly congratulates the researchers concerned.
Congratulations to the Ph.D. graduates of 2024 Published on 22.11.24
Congratulations to the Ph.D. graduates of 2024
29 students obtained a PhD degree from the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Lausanne in 2023-2024. Prof. Valérie Chavez-Demoulin, Vice-Dean, warmly congratulated them for their achievement during the Annual Doctoral Event on November 21st, 2024.
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Coping with the shifting burden of disease Published on 21.11.24
Reimagine Series: Healthcare – Coping with the shifting burden of disease
Non-communicable diseases account for 75% of global deaths, with developing countries particularly hard hit. In this 2nd part of the Reimagine series, Prof. Jürgen Maurer explores how innovative, context-specific approaches can transform the management of these diseases.
HEC Lausanne dans l'uniscope de l’UNIL Published on 20.11.24
HEC Lausanne dans l'uniscope de l’UNIL
Retrouvez la doyenne Marianne Schmid Mast, la postdoctorante Lisa Faessler, et les professeur·e·s Kenza Benhima et Sébastian Houde dans la dernière édition en ligne du magazine l'uniscope de l’Université de Lausanne.
"Reimagine Series: Healthcare": Is it time to put a price on life ?
Published on 19.11.24
"Reimagine Series: Healthcare": Is it time to put a price on life ?
At a time when healthcare costs are skyrocketing, the question arises: how can healthcare systems be reimagined? In this first installment, Prof. Pascal St-Amour examines how to assess the value of a human life.
Solange Ghernaouti honored Published on 15.11.24
Solange Ghernaouti honored
Solange Ghernaouti is a professor at HEC Lausanne (UNIL) and an international expert in cybersecurity. She is coming to the end of her career at UNIL. Honorary lecture on December 3, 2024.
Female Career Award 2024 goes to Prof. Cassie Mogilner Holmes, UCLA Published on 07.11.24
Female Career Award 2024 goes to Prof. Cassie Mogilner Holmes, UCLA
EQUALITY PROGRAM | On November 19, the Equality Commission of the Faculty of HEC (UNIL) will present the Female Career Award to Cassie Mogilner Holmes, Professor of Marketing and Behavioral Decision Making, UCLA. Since 2018, this award has been presented each year in recognition of an outstanding female academic career. A specialist in the links between time use and well-being, Prof. Mogilner Holmes invites us to reflect on the impact of our temporal choices on our quality of life.
HEC Lausanne dans le magazine Allez savoir! de l’UNIL Published on 24.10.24
HEC Lausanne dans le magazine Allez savoir! de l’UNIL
Allez savoir! est le magazine de l'Université de Lausanne qui sort trois fois par année.

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