Academic thesis MScCCF


  • Students can only apply to write a Master's thesis once they have obtained 60 credits in the course of their Master studies.

Déroulement du mémoire académique


  1. Students who intend to write an academic thesis must find a professor in the faculty (thesis supervisor) to supervise their work. Together they choose the subject of the thesis.
  2. Students should complete the "Academic Thesis Accreditation application" online. There is no longer a paper document.
  3. The process of writing the academic thesis is monitored by a thesis supervisor. There should be regular contact between the student and the professor: at least two meetings and regular contact by email or telephone.
  4. The thesis must be submitted. A bound copy must be submitted to the thesis supervisors and the experts.
  5. The "Formulaire de validation du mémoire académique" (Validation of academic thesis form) containing the student’s grade is sent to the administration department.
  6. The student submits:
    • To the professor (Deadline for submitting the thesis is 15th of January):
      • a hard copy,
      • a Word file,
      • a PDF file,
      • Files of data.
    • There is no longer a paper copy of the thesis in the student's file. He or she will download the thesis (final version only) through this link. The thesis will be stored in a database.
  7. In case the student fails at the first attempt, a revised version must be remitted to the professor on 21st of April of the same year, at the latest.

Important dates:

  • "Demande d'agrément de mémoire académique" has to be sent by week 38.
  • The thesis has to be submitted before week 3.
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