
Summer & Winter Schools

CIVIS accompagne l’école doctorale BruLau dans son expansion
L’école doctorale francophone d’été en études genre BruLau a saisi l’opportunité de l'Alliance CIVIS pour élargir ses partenaires et ouvrir l’école à d’autres universités membres.
About us
UNIL's summer and winter schools bring together students from all over the world for intensive courses with a multidisciplinary focus.
Each programme combines lectures by internationally renowned researchers, workshops and interactive sessions in a serious but relaxed working atmosphere.
The UNIL Summer and Winter Schools are open to students at Bachelor, Master and PhD levels. Professionals can be accepted in specific programmes. For more information, please consult the dedicated page for your chosen course.
Contact us
+41 21 692 20 46
Office: Château de Dorigny 1st Floor, UNIL-Chamberonne, CH-1015 Lausanne
Château de Dorigny - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 20 20