

An explorer mind-set aiming to understand and analyse the fundamental mechanisms of our economic world and the behaviours that determine individual decision-making.

The agents of research at HEC Lausanne

Research at HEC Lausanne is conducted by more than 360 researchers, recognized for the excellence of their work and academic backgroundOur researchers' articles are regularly published in the most selective and prestigious international scientific journals.

The research community at HEC Lausanne also has a distinctively high international composition and wide range of experts, such as economists, sociologists and psychologists.

A public good

Striking a balance between academic rigor and creativity, research at HEC Lausanne contributes significantly to scientific, economic and political debates, as well as the development of an innovative spirit. Its impact becomes concrete in areas such as corporate ethics and governance, tax policy, management techniques, cybersecurity and industrial supply chain management.

Quality - A story of recognition

HEC Lausanne has been awarded a double accreditation by EQUIS and AMBA, which certify the quality of the research and teaching activities held at our institution. Furthermore, our professors and researchers are invited regularly to share their insights more broadly with the general public, through media interviews and as speakers at conferences as well. Our Faculty has also created the blog OUTREACH, a platform specifically dedicated to sharing knowledge with the larger society.

Latest news on research at HEC & UNIL

Important information about the Nature Branded’s quota - QUOTA REACHED Published on 07.05.24
Important information about the Nature Branded’s quota - QUOTA REACHED
We just received the information that the Nature Branded quota is almost reached.
After the PhD: UNIL portraits Published on 02.05.24
After the PhD: UNIL portraits
Discover three original, fascinating and singular stories of UNIL PhDs who graduated between 2018 and 2021.
Agora at UNIL: science meets society Published on 24.04.24
Agora at UNIL: science meets society
The Agora instrument aims to promote dialogue between scientists and society: it encourages scientists to communicate their current research to a non-specialist audience.
Joint call with the University of Padua: Consolidation and seed grants Published on 27.03.24
Joint call with the University of Padua: Consolidation and seed grants
A new joint call between the University of Lausanne and the University of Padua is launched in the framework of the privileged partnership between both institutions.
Data inputs must be the focus of AI and its regulation Published on 11.03.24
Data inputs must be the focus of AI and its regulation
Placing data at the core of AI and its regulation: A crucial approach according to Prof. Christian Peukert.
Open Access Barometer UNIL 2023 Published on 28.02.24
Open Access Barometer UNIL 2023
The UNIL Open Access Barometer is here!
HEC Lausanne has got talent – February 2024 Published on 28.02.24
HEC Lausanne has got talent – February 2024
Discover those in the HEC Lausanne (UNIL) community - students, researchers, teachers or staff - who have been honored or celebrated recently.
Plung into the heart of research and innovation with! Published on 19.02.24
Plung into the heart of research and innovation with!
What is research at HEC Lausanne? Why are we all involved in this research ? How are students prepared to become the players of change? Join us in the bubbling world of ideas and innovation that is HEC Lausanne by exploring!
Why does the U.S. dollar remain supreme? Published on 14.02.24
Why does the U.S. dollar remain supreme?
Discover the insights of our professor Gianluca Benigno on the unyielding influence of the U.S. dollar in global economics.
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Association of MBAs (AMBA)Business School Impact System (BSIS)EFMD EQUIS AccreditedQuantitative Techniques for Economics & Management (QTEM)Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)