
Access scientific expertise

Interface supports research projects that respond to problems encountered in the field. Projects are developed between UNIL staff and field players, such as representatives of associations, public institutions, citizens' groups, companies, NGOs, foundations or cooperatives. In short, anyone wishing to use research to inform their thinking and actions can approach the Interface desk. This first step will enable us to clarify the need, which in turn will enable us to co-create a research project.

While respecting a rigorous, reliable and independent research framework, the projects carried out will pursue objectives of social relevance and impact in society. Particular attention will be paid to making research results accessible to a non-scientific audience, in order to guide the reflections and actions of those working in the field.

Interface contributes to UNIL's dialogue with its social, cultural, political and economic environment. The co-production of living knowledge between scientific experts and experts in the field will thus strengthen our joint participation in the societal transitions we must collectively face up to.


The benefits of collaborative research

  • Open up new avenues for reflection and action in your field of activity

  • Benefit from specific scientific input on a concrete issue

  • Invent new, personalized systems or modes of action for your organization