Main members
Barral Jérôme
Contact | Curriculum | Research | Teaching | Publications |
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Contact | Curriculum | Research | Teaching | Publications |
Advanced search is available through Serval
Publications can be managed by accessing Serval via MyUnil
Name | Position(s) |
Brandner Catherine | Professeure honoraire, Institut de Psychologie, SSP, UNIL |
Di Muccio Francesco | Thérapeute, Yverdon-les-Bains |
Draganski Bogdan | Directeur du Laboratoire de recherche en neuroimagerie (LREN), FBM, UNIL |
Hassan Mahmoud | Professeur Adjoint, School of Engineering, University of Reykjavik, Reykjavik, Iceland et CEO, MINDig, F-35000 Rennes, France |
Pascucci David | SNSF Ambizione leader, Brain Mind Institute (EPFL) |
Sallard Etienne | Chargé de recherche, CHUV |
Simonet Marie | Chargée de cours, ISSUL, SSP, UNIL |
Spierer Lucas | MER, Laboratory for Neurorehabilitation Science, Departement des Neurosciences et sciences du movement (NMS) |
Name |
N'Guyen Nam |
Raynal Elsa |
Spring Jérôme |