
Dan Glauser Elise

Contact Curriculum Research Teaching Publications


Etudes post-doctorales
Université de Stanford, CA, USA
Location : U.S.A.
Start : 2008 -- End : 2010

Doctorat en Psychologie/Sciences Affectives
Université de Genève, Suisse
Location : Suisse
Start : 2003 -- End : 2008

License en Sciences Affectives (équivalent Master en Sciences Affectives)
Université de Genève, Suisse
Location : Suisse
Start : 2001 -- End : 2003

Demi-License en Psychologie et Pédagogie Curative
Université de Fribourg, Suisse
Location : Suisse
Start : 1999 -- End : 2001

Expériences professionnelles

Research Project Manager (40%)
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV, CH)
Location : Suisse
Start : 2019 -- End : 2020

Professeur Associée en Psychologie Expérimentale
Location : Suisse
Start : 2024

Professeure Assistante FNS Eccellenza
Titre du projet: "Impact des différences individuelles sur l'émergence émotionnelle, ainsi que sur la sélection, la mise en oeuvre et l'efficacité des stratégies de régulation émotionnelle"
Start : 2020 -- End : 2025

Senior Lecturer (40%)
University of Lausanne (CH)
Location : Suisse
Start : 2019 -- End : 2020

Boursière Ambizione SNF, Université de Lausanne (Suisse)
- Titre du projet: "Conséquences affectives d'une régulation émotionnelle basée sur la sélection de situation"
Location : Suisse
Start : 2015 -- End : 2018

Collaborateur externe, Haute Ecole de Santé (Fribourg, Suisse)
- Titre du projet: "Rôle de l'environnement de travail sur la régulation émotionnelle des soignants dans les EMS suisses"
Location : Suisse
Start : 2013 -- End : 2014

Etudes post-doctorales, Université de Stanford (CA, USA)
- Les effets spécifiques de la suppression expressive et physiologique sur les réponses émotionnelles précoces
- Les effets spécifiques de la suppression et de l'acceptance sur les réponses émotionnelles précoces
- Investigation des modifications de cohérence émotionnelle liées à la suppression et l'acceptance
- Comparaison méthodologique entre électromyographie et codage vidéo pour l'évaluation de l'expressivité du visage
Location : U.S.A.
Start : 2008 -- End : 2010

Recherche pour l'obtention du Doctorat en Psychologie, Université de Genève (Suisse)
- Concomitants physiologiques spécifiques de l'émergence de l'expérience émotionnelle
- Synchronisation neuronale concomitante à l'émergence de l'expérience émotionnelle
- Induction émotionnelle grâce à des stimuli adaptés aux préférences individuelles
- Création d'une nouvelle base de donnée d'images pour l'induction émotionnelle
- Utilisation de l'électromyographie faciale pour évaluer la séquence temporelle de l'évaluation de la nouveauté et de la valence
Location : Suisse
Start : 2003 -- End : 2008

Autres activités

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (last 7 publications 2022-2024)
• Debrot, A., Stellar, J. E., Dan-Glauser, E., & Klum, P. L. (2024) Touch as a stress buffer? Gender differences in subjective and physiological responses to partner and stranger touch. Journal of Non-Verbal Behavior, Advance online publication.

• Takada, A., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2024). Decoding the complexities of emotion socialization: cultures, individual features and shared information. Scientific Reports, 14, Art. 3536.

• Salamon, N., Augsburger, N., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2023). Benefits of Planning as an emotion regulation strategies in obsessions and compulsions: Implication of the Perfectionism Level in the Planning-OCD Relationship. Journal of Affective Disorder Reports. In press.  

• Rochat, L., Rothen, S., Edel, Y., Penzenstadler, L., Lecomte, T., Potvin, S., Dan-Glauser, E., Etter, J.-F., & Khazaal, Y. (2023) Measurement invariance of the Marijuana Motives Measure among men and women using Stop Cannabis App. Addictive Bahaviors, 148, art. e107866.

• Trentini, E., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2023). Use of a difference index approach to analyze the early dynamic efficiency of reappraisal and suppression. Methods in Psychology, 8, Article 100112.

• Gamaiunova, L., Kreibig, S. D., Dan-Glauser, E., Pellerin, N., Brandt, P.-Y., & Kliegel, M. (2022). Effects of two mindfulness based interventions on the distinct phases of the stress response across different physiological system. Biological Psychology, 172, Article 108384.

• Moulin, V., Framorando, D., Gasser, J., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022). The link between cannabis use and violent behavior in the early phase of psychosis: the potential role of impulsivity. Frontiers in Psychiaty: Forensic Psychiatry, 13, Article 746287.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (2020-2022)
• Dan-Glauser, E., Framorando, D., Solida-Tozzi, A., Golay, P., Gholam, M.M., Alameda, L., Conus, P., & Moulin V. (2022). Evolution of impulsivity levels in relation to early cannabis use in violent patients in the early phase of psychosis Psychological Medicine. Advanced Online Publication.

• Palix, J., Abu-Akel, A., Moulin, V., Abbiati, M., Gasser, J., Hasler, C., Marcot, D., Mohr, C., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022). The utility of physiological measures in assessing the empathic skills of incarcerated violent offenders. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 66 (1), 98-122.

• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2021). Never too late to plan: “Refocus on Planning” as an effective way to lower symptoms and difficulties in emotion regulation during the COVID-19 first lockdown. Emotion, 21(7), 1483-1498.

• Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021). Situation selection for the regulation of emotion responses: Non-meaningful choice options retain partial physiological regulatory impact. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 162, 130-144.

• Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021). Efficiency of illusory choice used as a variant of situation selection for regulating emotions: Reduction of positive experience but preservation of physiological downregulation. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 46(1), 115-132.

• Camus, D., Dan-Glauser, E. S., Gholamrezaee, M., Gasser, J., & Moulin, V. (2021). Factors associated with repetitive violent behavior of psychiatric inpatients. Psychiatry Research, 296, Article 113643.

• Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2020). The simultaneous use of Emotional suppression and Situation selection to regulate emotions incrementally favors physiological responses. BMC Psychology, 8, Article 133.
Location : Suisse

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles (2013-2019)
• Chamilothori, K., Chinazzo, G., Rodrigues, J., Dan-Glauser, E., Wienold, J., & Andersen, M. (2019). Subjective and physiological responses to façade and sunlight pattern geometry in virtual reality. Building and Environment, 150, 144-155.

• Efinger, L., Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2019). Distraction and reappraisal efficiency on immediate negative emotional responses: role of trait anxiety. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 32(4), 412-427.

• Jonauskaite, D., Althaus, B., Dael, N., Dan‐Glauser, E., & Mohr, C. (2019). What color do you feel? Color choices are driven by mood. Color Research & Application, 44(2), 272-284.

• Mocanu, E., Mohr, C., Pouyan, N., Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2018). Reasons, Years and Frequency of Yoga Practice: Effect on Emotion Response Reactivity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, Article 264.

• Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2017). The regulatory effect of choice in Situation Selection reduces experiential, exocrine and respiratory arousal for negative emotional stimulations. Scientific Reports, 7, Article 12626.

• Bassal, C., Czellar, J., Kaiser, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2016). Relationship between emotions, emotion regulation, and well-being of professional caregivers of people with dementia. Research on Aging, 38(4), 477-503.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S., & Gross, J. J. (2015). The temporal dynamics of emotional acceptance: Experience, expression, and physiology. Biological Psychology, 108, 1-12.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S., & Gross, J. J. (2013). Emotion regulation and emotion coherence: Evidence for strategy-specific effects. Emotion, 13(5), 832-842.

Conference Proceedings, Symposia, and invited talks (7 last contributions, 2021-2024)
• Dan-Glauser, E. (2024, February). Is it "good" to regulate emotions? The role of emotion regulation beliefs in emotional competences and difficulties. Invited talk at the MEANING lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles, France

• Dan-Glauser, E. (2024, January). Is it "good" to regulate emotions? The role of emotion regulation beliefs in emotional competences and difficulties. Invited talk at the department “Personalidad, Evaluación y Tratamiento Psicológico” (Personality, Psychological Assessment and Treatment), Universitad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain

• Dan-Glauser, E. (2023, June). Interaction as reflected by the dynamics of heart rate synchrony. In E. Dan-Glauser (chair), Experiential and physiological consequences of social presence and interaction setting [Symposium]. 21st World Congress of Psychophysiology by the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP), Geneva, Switzerland

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2022, November). Etat de la recherche sur la compréhension de la régulation émotionnelle dans le domaine clinique [Research status on the understanding of emotion regulation in a clinical context]. Invited talk at the FOMF : Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Update Refresher, Lausanne, Switzerland

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021, October). The Empowering Effect of Choice: Using Situation Selection to Regulate Emotions. Invited talk at Motivation, Affect and Personality Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021, September). "The power of choice». In search of the factors governing the efficacy of Situation selection used as an emotion regulation strategy. Invited talk at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021, March). Modèles et mesures de la régulation émotionnelle. Adapter sa recherche à des populations spécifiques. [Models and measures of emotion regulation. Adapting research methodologies to specific populations.] Invited talk at Seminar “Perspective”, Department of Legal Psychiatry, Lausanne University
Hospital, Switzerland.

Conference Proceedings, Symposia, and invited talks (2021-2023)
• Debrot, A., Stellar, J. E., Dan Glauser, E., & Klump, P. L. (2023, June). Touch as a stress buffer? Gender differences in subjective and physiological responses to partner and stranger touch. In E. Dan-Glauser (Chair). Experiential and physiological consequences of social presence and interaction settings. [Symposium]. 21st World Congress of Psychophysiology by the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP), Geneva, Switzerland

• Dan-Glauser, E. (2023, June). Compétence émotionnelle et croyances dans le bien-fondé de la régulation : quel impact pour la santé mentale [Emotional competence and beliefs in the appropriateness of regulation: what impact for mental health]. Invited talk at the SCALab (Affective and Cognitive Science Laboratory), University of Lille, France

• Dan-Glauser, E. (2023, May). Est-il « bien » de réguler ses émotions ? Rôle des croyances en la valeur de la régulation émotionnelle vis-à-vis des compétences et difficultés émotionnelles [Is it "good" to regulate emotions? The role of beliefs in the value of emotional regulation in relation to emotional skills and difficulties”]. Invited talk (Keynote speaker) at the 18th GREPACO (Reflection Group in Cognitive Psychopathology) colloquium, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2022, November). Etat de la recherche sur la compréhension de la régulation émotionnelle dans le domaine clinique [Research status on the understanding of emotion regulation in a clinical context]. Invited talk at the FOMF : Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Update Refresher, Lausanne, Switzerland

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021, October). The Empowering Effect of Choice: Using Situation Selection to Regulate Emotions. Invited talk at the Motivation, Affect and Personality Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland.

Conference Proceedings, Symposia, and invited talks (2018-2021)
• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021, September). "The power of choice». In search of the factors governing the efficacy of Situation selection used as an emotion regulation strategy. Invited talk at the Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2021, March). Modèles et mesures de la régulation émotionnelle. Adapter sa recherche à des populations spécifiques. [Models and measures of emotion regulation. Adapting research methodologies to specific populations.] Invited talk at Seminar “Perspective”, Department of Legal Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2020, March). Le pouvoir du choix : réguler ses émotions par la sélection de situations [The power of choice : regulate one’s emotions with situation selection]. Invited talk at the Swiss Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy Training Days, Lausanne, Switzerland.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2018, March). Effet régulateur du choix : Moduler ses réponses émotionnelles avec la Sélection de Situation [Regulatory effect of choice : modulating emotional responses with Situation Selection]. Invited talk at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Monthly Meeting, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2018, January). Le pouvoir du choix: Moduler les réponses émotionnelles grâce à la Sélection de Situation [The power of choice : modulating emotional responses thanks to Situation Selection]. Invited talk at the Department of Psychology Seminar, University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2018, January). Mécanismes productifs et perceptifs de l’expression faciale: aspects fonctionnels et pathologiques [Mechanisms of production and perception of facial expression : functional and pathological aspects]. Invited talk at the « Perception and Motricity Seminar », University of Franche-Comté, Besançon, France.

Location : Suisse

Posters (last 6 contributions, 2022-2024)
• Batziou, S. E., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2024, March 1-3). Profiles of emotion dysregulation shape regulatory patterns. . [Poster presentation]. Society for Affective Science (SAS) 2024 annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Fournier, L., Billieux, J., Salamon, N., Augsburger, N., Rochat, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2023, August 23-25). Do hoarding symptoms belong to the obsessive-compulsive spectrum? Evidence from a psychometric network approach. [Poster presentation]. 8th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, Incheon, South Korea.

• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022, September 04-06). A person-centered approach to study individual differences in well-being related outcomes: an application to maladaptive personality traits and emotions. [Poster presentation]. Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society, Zürich, Switzerland.

• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022, July 12-15). Incremental value of the study of maladaptive personality facets in relation to emotions: An application to the feeling of shame in a social-rejection scenario. [Poster presentation] European Conference of Personality, Madrid, Spain.

• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022, July 12-15). Personality profiles condition cognitive appraisals when confronted with a sad situation: A person-centered approach to study the relationship between personality and appraisal processes of emotions. [Poster presentation]. European Conference of Personality, Madrid, Spain.

• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022, March 30-April 2). Maladaptive personality traits and emotions in positive emotional situations: A person-centered investigation. [Poster presentation]. Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Positive Emotions Virtual Preconference, Online.

Posters (2019-2022)
• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022, March 30-April 2). Implementing Exploratory Mediation to Uncover Personality-Emotional Reactivity Relationship via Cognitive Appraisals. [Poster presentation]. Annual Conference of the Society for Affective Science, Online. Winner of the Honorable Mention for “New Ideas in Affective Sciences”

• Trentini, E., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2022, March 20-23). Difference index approach for detecting dynamic impact on emotional responses of reappraisal and suppression. [Poster presentation]. Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psycholog:innen; Conference of Experimental Psychologists (TeaP), Cologne, Germany.

• Sacchi, L., & Dan-Glauser, E. (2021, February). Influence of personality on appraisal process and emotional reactivity: A survey study. [Poster presentation]. 2021 Annual Convention of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Online.

• Gamaiunova, L., Dan-Glauser, E., Pellerin, N., Brandt, P.-Y., Kliegel, M. (2020, November). The effects of two mindfulness programs on the stress-related changes in the ANS: Contrasting the activity of sympathetic and parasympathetic branches during different phases of the TSST. Poster presented at the 2020 Contemplative Research Conference (online).

• Gamaiunova, L., Dan-Glauser, E., Pellerin, N., Brandt, P.-Y., Kliegel, M. (2020, October). Mindfulness programs and prolonged physiological activation during stress: interventions effects on the sympathetic, cardiac parasympathetic and HPA-axis. Poster presented at the 60th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research (online).

• Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2019, September). Are many better than one ? Emotional advantages of using two regulation strategies to downregulate negative emotional responses. Poster presented at the 16th Conference of the Swiss Psychological Society, Bern, Switzerland. Winner of the Best-Poster Award

Location : Suisse

Posters (2008-2018)
• Chamilothoril, K, Chinazzo, G, Rodrigues, J., Dan-Glauser, E., Wienold, J., & Andersen, M. (2018, September). Perceived interest and heart rate response to façade and daylight patterns in virtual reality. Poster presented at the 2018 conference of the Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture (ANFA), La Jolla, CA, USA.

• Thuillard, S., & Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2017, October). Psychophysiological and experiential correlates of situation selection: the impact of illusory choice. Poster presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Vienna, Austria.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S. (2017, March). Pick any! Situation selection used as an emotion regulation strategy works independently of situation content. Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria.

• Jonauskaite, D., Mohr, C., Althaus, B., Dan- Glauser E. S., & Dael, N. (2017, March). Tackling the chroma therapy effect: systematic association and reciprocal influence of colour and felt emotions. Poster presented at the International Convention of Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S., & Scherer K. R. (2013, October). Cardiovascular and electromyographic specificity of emotional processes devoid of subjective emotional experience. Poster presented at the 53th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Florence, Italy.

• Dan-Glauser, E. S., & Scherer, K. R. (2008, October). Presence of subjective feeling in an emotional process coincides with a differential modulation of the intensity of the facial electromyographic activity and heart rate recovery. Poster presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Austin, TX.

Location : Suisse

Teaching experience (2017-2022)
As Assistant Professor, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne (CH)
Titular of the semester courses (2h/week):
⋄ “Academic Thinking and Practice” (BA students, ~130-220 students)
⋄ “Socio Cognitive Approach of Normal and Pathological Functioning” (MA students, ~30 students)

As Assistant Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (CH)
Titular of the semester courses (2h/week):
⋄ “Emotion Psychology” (BA students, ~30 students)

As Assistant Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (CH)
Responsible (replacement of the titular) for the evaluation of the semester course (2h/week) :
⋄ “Experimental Cognitive Psychology” (MA students, 60 students)

As Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne (CH)
Titular of the semester courses (2h/week):
⋄ “Academic Thinking and Practice” (BA students, 250 students)
⋄ “Socio Cognitive Approach of Normal and Pathological Functioning” (MA students, 30 students)

As Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne (CH)
Titular of the semester courses (2h/week):
⋄ “Cognitive Psychology I” (BA students, 420 students)
⋄ “Cognitive Psychology II” (MA students, 30 students)

As Senior Lecturer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (CH)
Titular of the semester courses (2h/week):
⋄ “Cognitive Psychology A” (BA students, 80 students)
⋄ “Emotion Psychology” (BA students, ~30 students)

2017- 2018
As Senior Lecturer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (CH)
Supervisor of the annual course (2h/week):
⋄ “Experimental Cognitive Psychology” (MA students, 60 students)

Teaching experience (2001-2017)
As Senior Lecturer, Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne (CH)
Lecturer of the semester course (2h/week):
⋄ “Cognitive psychology II” (MA students, ~20 students, in collaboration with Prof. C. Mohr)
Punctual interventions in Bachelor courses on affective processes (+ exam supervision)

2016- 2018
As Senior Lecturer, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (CH)
Lecturer of the semester course (2h/week):
⋄ “Psychology of Emotion” (BA students, ~20 students, in collaboration with Prof. C. Mohr)
Punctual interventions in Bachelor courses on affective processes (+ exam supervision)

2008-2010 As Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University (CA, USA)
Organizer and leader of the semester journal club:
⋄ “Bridging emotion regulation and other psychological concepts across disciplines” (Graduate students)

As Teaching Assistant, University of Geneva (CH)
Leader of the seminars linked to the course:
⋄ “Seminars on the Psychology of Emotion” (BA students, ~25 students)
Lecturer (2h/year) in the course
⋄ “Psychology of Emotion” (BA students, ~100 students)

As Junior Teaching Assistant, University of Fribourg (CH)
Preparation and assistance for practical courses:
⋄ “TP de Statistique” (BA students, ~40 students)

Location : Suisse

Leadership and mentoring
• 2022 Equal Opportunities Office, University of Lausanne, CH:
Mentor for the PROWD program (PROfessional Women with Doctorates)

• 2015 ‐ Present Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, CH:

1 Post-doctoral Student (ongoing): Marcel Meyer

3 PhD Students (ongoing) : Livia Sacchi, Elena Trentini, Sofia Batziou, Christelle Seeman

15 Master Students (6 ongoing): Liliane Efinger, Charlotte Lagona, Giulia Franco, Mallaury Viaud, Sarah Baziz, Noémie Augsburger, Natalia Salamon, Mara Bruni, Laura Fatio, Sophie Gendolla, Anastasia Heritier, Nahuel Martinez, Johann Gétaz, Romana Bucciarelli, Elise Mengin, Laura Jacot, Mathilde Savary, Sylvie Christener, Sabrina Oliveira Lopes, Zélie Rappas, Estelle Sapin, Elisa Skibinski, Laura Turberg.

2 Bachelor Students: Cécile Jaccard, Alexandrine Giroud

5 Research Assistants (1 ongoing): Simon Thuillard, Marianne Richter, Terry Braghini, Julia Kolly, Francesco Ruinato

1 Trainee for the Swiss Distant Learning University: Ghazal Pirot

• 2008‐ 2010 Department of Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA:

1 Research Assistant: Jessica Galang

Event organization and Scientific committees
• June 2024: Co-organizer of the public workshop “La démesure des émotions”, in collaboration with “L’éprouvette”, Office of Community Outreach, University of Lausanne

• June 2023: Organizer of a Workshop “Les émotions” for “Les mystères de l’UniL 2023”

• Mai 2022: Co-Organizer of the GREPACO (Groupe de Reflection en Psychopathologie Cognitive) colloquium 2022

• January 2019: Organizer of the 2019 CARLA Graduate Student Day, Lausanne, CH

• Mai 2018: Organizer of the CARLA Inaugural Evening, Lausanne, CH

• January 2018: Organizer of the 2018 CARLA Graduate Student Day, Lausanne, CH

• September 2017: Member of the scientific committee of the 15th congress of the Swiss Psychological Society, Lausanne, CH

• January 2017: Organizer of the 2017 CARLA Graduate Student Day, Lausanne, CH

• September 2016-Present: Co-organizer of the Cognitive and Affective Regulation LAboratory weekly seminars, Lausanne, CH

• April 2007: Co-organizer of the Annual Research Forum, Interdisciplinary Center in Affective Sciences, Geneva, CH

• September 2006: Co-organizer of the workshop Multimodal synchronization in affective expressions, Genoa, I

• August 2006: Co-organizer of the workshop Using electromyography, Geneva, CH

• March 2006: Co-organizer of the Get-to-know-each-other meeting, National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Affective Sciences”, Geneva, CH

• September 2005: Co-organizer of the 2005 Autumn Academy, National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Affective Sciences”, Geneva, CH

• June 2005: Co-organizer of the Geneva Affective Week, Geneva, CH

• July 2004: Co-organizer of the Science night Measuring Emotion, Geneva, CH

• June 2004: Co-organizer of the workshop Theories and Models of Emotion, HUMAINE meeting, Geneva, CH
Location : Suisse

Institutional responsibilities
2023 Member of the Working Group for the creation of promotional videos for the LERB, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

2021-Present Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

2020-Present Member of the two Working Groups for Analyses and Survey Software Selection, respectively, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

2015-Present Member of the Council of the Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, CH

2017-2019 Director of the CARLA (Cognitive and Affective Regulation LAboratory)

2017-2019 Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

2017-2018 Member of a Professor hiring committee for the Social Sciences Institute, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

2016 Member of a Professor stabilization committee at the Institute of Political, Historical and International Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

2016 Founding Member of the CARLA (Cognitive and Affective Regulation LAboratory), Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne, CH

Editorial activities and Research evaluation
• Editorial responsibilities:
Academic Editor for PLOS ONE, Editorial Board Member for Emotion, Consulting Editor for Psychophysiology, Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychology and Psychiatry, Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports-Nature Group, Editor for the Scientific Report Collection “Emotion Socialization”, Editor for the Scientific Report Collection “Emotion Regulation”.

• Evaluator of grant application for:
ISF (Israel Science Foundation), National Science Center (Polish Academy of Science), Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

• Ad‐hoc reviewer for:
Anxiety, Stress, & Coping; Behavior, Research, Methods; Biological Psychology; Child Neuropsychology; Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience; Emotion Review; European Review of Applied Psychology; Frontiers in Psychiatry; Frontiers in Psychology; Emotion; Journal of Behavioral Addictions; Journal of Psychiatry; Motivation and Emotion; Motivation Science; PLOS ONE; Personality and Individual Differences; Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin; Psychophysiology; Physiology and Behavior; Psychiatry Research; Review of General Psychology; Scientific Data; Swiss Journal of Psychology


Specific competences and techniques

Emotion induction

Appraisal processes

Emotion regulation efficiency

Psychophysiological recordings
Autonomous nervous system + EEG

Experiment programming
Psychopy, E-prime, Authorware

Teaching and mentoring


Associate members

Name Affiliate
Awo Larry School of General Studies; Federal Polytechnic of Oil and Gas ; Bonny : Nigeria
Bonsack Charles CHUV
Dael Nele HEC, University of Lausanne
Debrot Anik MER 1, IP, Unil
De Roten Yves University of Lausanne
Dimitrova Nevena Haute Ecole de Travail Social et de la Santé (HETS&Sa Lausanne)
Docherty Neil University of Bern
Fröhlich Andrea Zurich Forensic Science Institute
Giuliani Fabienne CHUV
Golay Philippe CHUV
Gygax Pascal University of Fribourg
Grivel Jeremy CHUV
Hugues Juan Carlos University of Lausanne
Infanti Alexandre University of Luxembourg, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Maren Mayer Stiftung Medien in der Bildung, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien
Martin Soelch Chantal University of Fribourg
Nador Jeff Applied Cognition Face Cognition Lab
Nogueira Lopez Abel University of León
Ribotta Blandine Digital Humanities, EPFL,
Von Hammerstein Cora APHP Inserm UMR-S 1144 Université de Paris
Zecca Gregory Cabinet de Diagnostic et Soins