
Steering Committee 

Five members constitute CEFC’s steering committee:

  • Prof. Jean-Philippe Bonardi (Managing Director at Enterprise for Society Center)
  • Mr. Pascal Paschoud (Director of Formation Continue UNIL-EPFL)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Rockinger (Department of Finance, HEC Lausanne,)
  • Mr. Manuel Leuthold (external member): President of the board of directors of Swiss Federal Social Security Funds AVS/AI/APG (Compenswiss); President of Economic Development – Canton of Vaud (DEV); President of the Swiss Association of Real Estate Securitization Professionals (COPTIS)
  • Prof. Dr. Minyue Dong (Director of CEFC, Director of Department of accounting and control, HEC Lausanne)

Advisory Committee

CEFC’s Advisory Committee is composed of professors and entrepreneurs in different areas, who will contribute to the development of the Center.

Executive team

The Executive team supports the Steering Committee and carries out CEFC’s daily and operational duties.

  • Prof. Minyue Dong, Director:
  • Ms. Wujing (Anna) Tan, Office Manager:
  • Ms. Qin Wu, Program Coordinator:
  • Ms. Jiawei (Noémie) Lu, Executive Assistant:


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