
Conferences (Organization)


Morhart F. Member of the scientific committee of the Monaco Symposium on Luxury. Roundtable on the Swiss Luxury Watch Industry.


Morhart F. Panel speaker in the roundtable on "Conspicuous Consumption Revisited in the Digital Era". Association of Consumer Research Conference (ACR).



Desmichel P., Ordabayeva N., Kocher B. (2017). What if Diamonds Did Not Last Forever? Why Ephemeral Luxury Products Are Better Signals of Achievement Than Iconic Ones. La Londe (Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior Conference). La Londe, France.

Mohan B., Schlager T., Norton M., Desphandé R. (2017). Paying Up For Fair Pay: Consumers Prefer Firms With Lower CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios. Society of Judgment and Decision Making Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada. 

Mohan B., Schlager T., Norton M., Desphandé R. (2017). Paying Up For Fair Pay: Consumers Prefer Firms With Lower CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios. La Londe Conference. La Londe, France.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper: Hellwig K., Morhart F., Kozinets R. (2017). Branding at the Commercial and Communal Interface: Humanist Brand Networks. Special Session: Brands, Experiences and Social Relationships in the Sharing Economy. Proceedings of the 46th Annual EMAC Conference 2017. Groningen, Netherlands.

Desmichel P., Ordabayeva N., Kocher B. (2017). What if Diamonds Did Not Last Forever? Why Ephemeral Luxury Products Are Better Signals of Achievement Than Iconic Ones. The La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. La Londe, France.      

Martin C., Furchheim P.Morhart F. (2017). Introducing the Green Materialist – A cluster analysis of North American and Swiss consumer populations, Proceedings of the European Marketing Association Conference. Groningen, Netherlands.     

Hellwig K. (September 2017). Netnography – von authentischen Onlineinteraktionen zu aussagekräftigen Consumer Insights. LINK Tag der Marktorschung 2017. Luzern, Switzerand.

Hellwig K. (September 2017). Netnography – von authentischen Onlineinteraktionen zu aussagekräftigen Consumer Insights. LINK Tag der Marktorschung 2017. Luzern, Switzerland.          

Hellwig K. (May 2017). Axes stratégiques de la Vaudoise–High Tech, High Touch - De la mutualité à l'économie du partage. BCV. Lausanne, Swizerland. 

Nedeva V. (March 2017). Luxury Research Brownbag BaselWorld. Basel, Switzerland. 

Nedeva V., Czellar S., Sprott D.E. (February 2017). Christmas sells but when, how and for whom? SCP. San Francisco, USA.

Krekels G., Pandelaere, M. (February 2017). $5 off $125 is still $5: Greedy people focus more on absolute gains. Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference. San Francisco, USA.



Desmichel P., Kocher B., Lajos J. (2016). Indulge Yourself! How Self-Indulgence Goals Impact Consumers’ Comparisons of Luxury Brands in Multi-brand Stores. European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo, Norway.

Ghiassaleh A., Kocher B., Lajos J. (2016). Unintended Negative Consequences of Product Recommendations Among Prevention Focused Consumers. NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 44, eds. Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, Duluth, MN : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 732-732.

Ghiassaleh A., Kocher B., Lajos J. (2016). Should Online Retailers Organize Products in Broad or Narrow Categories? It Depends on the Regulatory Focus of their Shoppers. European Marketing Academy Conference. Oslo, Norway.

Holzer A., Kocher B., Bendahan S., Mazuze J., Gillet D. (2016). Fostering Knowledge Sharing in NGOs. Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development, ACM, Ann Arbor. Michigan, USA.

Holzer A., Kocher B., Vonèche Cardia I., Mazuze J., Bendahan S., Gillet D. (2016). Gamifying Knowledge Sharing in the Humanitarian Context. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development.

Mohan B., Schlager T., Norton M., Desphandé R. (2016). Paying Up For Fair Pay: Consumers Prefer Firms With Lower CEO-to-Worker Pay Ratios. Association for Consumer Research Conference. Berlin, Germany. 

Boller D., Schlager T., Herrmann A. (2016). Tell Me What You Wish: How Pre-Configurations Based on Preference Articulation Affect Consumer Product Configuration Processes. Association for Consumer Research Conference. Berlin, Germany. 

Boller D., Schlager T., Herrmann A. (2016). Pick Me Up – Lead Me Through: The Impact of Contextual Experiences on Consumer Decision Making. Theory and Practice in Marketing Conference Houston, USA. 

Schlager T., Hildebrand C., Häubl G., Herrmann A. (2016). Gamified Shopping: - Gamified Shopping: How Challenging Tasks Create a Desire to Acquire. Theory and Practice in Marketing Conference. Houston, USA. 

Hellwig K., Belk R. W. & Morhart F. (2016). The Social Side of Sharing. Shared Moments within Peer-to-peer Hospitality Platforms. Proceedings of the 45th Annual EMAC Conference 2016. Oslo, Norway.

Ghiassaleh A., Kocher B., Lajos J. (2016). Unintended Negative Consequences of Product Recommendations among Consumers with Prevention Focus. Association for Consumer Research conference. Berlin, Germany. 

Ghiassaleh A., Kocher B., and Lajos J. (2016). Should Online Retailers Organize Products in Broad or Narrow Categories? It Depends on the Regulatory Focus of their Shoppers. The European Marketing Academy conference. Oslo, Norway.

Peracchio L. A., Bublitz M. G., Escalas J. E., Furchheim P., Landreth Grau, S., Hamby A. (2016). Transformative Storytelling: A Framework for Crafting Stories for Social Impact Organizations. Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 44, eds. Page Moreau and Stefano Puntoni, Duluth, MN: Associations for Consumer Research, 103-107. 

Bublitz M. G., Landreth Grau S., Furchheim P. (2016). Storytelling for the Digital Age: SCO Stories that Create Social Media Buzz. Proceedings of the Marketing and Public Policy Conference. Special session. San Luis Obispo, USA. 

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (2016, October). The Effect of Greed on Absolute and Relative Thinking. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference. Berlin, Germany.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (May 2006). The Effect of Greed on Absolute and Relative Thinking. European Marketing Academy Annual Conference. Oslo, Norway. 

Karaduman C., Lajos J. ( May 24-27, 2016). How to Make Deals More Attractive: Do Not Let Your Customers Become Depleted. European Marketing Academy Annual Conference. Oslo, Norway.

Nedeva V., Czellar S. (May 2016). Branding the Divine: Consumer Response to Transcendental References in Brand Communication. EMAC. Oslo, Norway.

Nedeva V., Scharwey A. (March 2016). Sharing Economy in Luxury, Luxury Research Brownbag BaselWorld. Basel, Switzerland.

Karaduman C., Lajos J. (February 25-27, 2016). The Effects of Self-Control on Deal Proneness Behavior. Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference. St. Pete Beach, USA.


Lajos J., Katona Z., Desmichel P., Kocher B. (2015). Clustered Category Structures Resulting From Sequential Product Categorization Tasks. The La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. La Londe, France.      

Furchheim P.,  Jahn S. (2015). How Cultural Capital Shapes Green Product Preferences Among Materialists. Advances in Consumer Research. Vol. 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, Duluth, MN: Associations for Consumer Research.

Martin C., Furchheim P., Shrum L.J., Hellwig K. (2015). Measuring Materialistic Mindsets: Development of an Implicit Measure of Materialism. Proceedings of the Society for Consumer Psychology Conference. eds. Dahl, D.; Kamleitner, B.; Moreau, P., and Schreier, M. Vienna, Austria.

Furchheim P., Jahn S., Zanger C. (2015). Greening Up a Materialistic World. Proceedings of the European Marketing Association Conference. Leuven, Belgium.

Karaduman C., Lajos J. (2015). Effects of Self-Control on Variety Seeking. European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, May 26-29, 2015. Leuven, Belgium.

Karaduman C.,  Lajos J. (2015). Effects of Self-Control on Variety Seeking Behavior. Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference. Phoenix, USA.

Hellwig K., Belk R. W., Morhart F. (2015). Shared Moments of Sociality: Embedded Sharing within Peer-to-peer Hospitality Platforms. Special Session: Sharing as Social Phenomenon. NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, New Orleans, LA: Association for Consumer Research.

Gollnhofer J., Hellwig K.Morhart F. (2015). Sharing My Way or Your Way? Institutional Alignment of Ideological Tensions and Justice Narratives within a Sharing Community. NA-Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 43, eds. Kristin Diehl and Carolyn Yoon, New Orleans, LA: Association for Consumer Research.

Hellwig K., Belk R. W., Morhart F. (2015). Sharing and the Marketplace: What is Shared in the Sharing Economy? Special Session: Scrutinizing the So-Called "Sharing Economy”. Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2015. Fayetteville, USA.  

Gollnhofer J., Hellwig K., Morhart F. (2015). Fair is Good but what is Fair? Discursive Negotiations of Justice in a Community of Foodsharing. Proceedings of the 44th Annual EMAC Conference 2015. Leuven, Belgium.

Hellwig K. (2015). CouchSurfing as Socio-Romantic Sharing Utopia. Food for Thought for the Role of Branding in fostering Alternative Modes of Consumption. Brand Camp III, Brand Research Laboratory of the University of Innsbruck. Obergurgl, Austria.  

Hellwig K.Morhart F. (2015). Beyond the Couch. Reciprocities and Processes of Value Creation in Shared Experiences in CouchSurfing. Symposium: Experiential or Material that is the Question: Antecedents to Preferences for Experiential Consumption. Society for Consumer Psychology International Conference. Vienna, Austria.

Karaduman C., Lajos J. (October 1-4, 2015). Consumers with Depleted Self-Control Choose Less Variety. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference. New Orleans, USA.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (June 2015). The Effect of Greed on Absolute and Relative Thinking. The La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. La Londe, France. 

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (May 2015). The Moderating Effect of Greed on Thinking Style. European Marketing Academy Annual Conference. Leuven, Belgium.

Nedeva V.Czellar S. (May 2015). Consumer Response to Divine Associations in Brands. EMAC Doctoral Colloquium. Leuven, Belgium. 

Nedeva V., Czellar S., Morhart F. (May 2015). Consumer Response to Divine Associations in Brands.  Consumer-Brand Relationship Conference. Porto, Portugal. 

Nedeva V., Czellar S.Morhart F. (March 2015). Brand Camp, Consumer Response to Divine Associations in Brands. Obergurgl, Austria.



Ghiassaleh A., Lajos J. (2014). Do Consumers Search Far and Wide or High and Low?. Society for Consumer Pscychology Conference. Phoenix, USA.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (October 2014). Greedy loss prevention in economic decision making. Invited special session. It's All Green to Me: How Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Factors Shape Consumers' Financial Decisions. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference. Baltimore, Maryland.

Krekels G., Pandelaere, M. (May 2014). Greedy loss prevention in economic decision making. Annual PhD-Day, Ghent University. Ghent, Belgium.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (March 2014). Greedy loss prevention in economic decision making. Society for Consumer Psychology Winter Conference. Miami, Florida. 



Usunier JC., Diren M., C. Gilly M., Feng T. (June 2013). Utilitarian and Hedonic Value as Drivers of Online Consumer Intentions: A Cross-Cultural Study. American Marketing Association (AMA) Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference (poster session) February 2013, Las Vegas, Nevada. Accepted as a competitive paper at the 2013 European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Istanbul, Turkey.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (June 2013). The more the merrier? The effect of insecurity on greed. The La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. La Londe, France.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (May 2013). The more the merrier? The effect of resource uncertainty on dispositional greed. Annual PhD-Day, Ghent University. Ghent, Belgium.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M. (May 2013). The more the merrier? An empirical investigation of causes and consequences of dispositional Greed. Doctoral Colloquium of the European Marketing Academy Annual Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.



Usunier JC., Diren M., Gilly M., Feng T. (29-30 December 2012). Language Ignorance and Linguistic Confusion as Marketing Heresy., 6th GEM Conference, The language factor in the context of international management: understanding the challenges for organisations and individuals Paris, ESSEC, 28 – 30th March 2012.“Utilitarian and Hedonic Value as Drivers of Online Consumer Intentions: A Cross- Cultural Study”, 3rd Great Lakes-NASMEI Marketing Conference. Mahabalipuram, India.

Usunier JC., Diren M., Gilly M., Feng T. (May 2012). Toward a Better Understanding of Online Impulse Purchase: Effects of Website Design Characteristics. Competitive paper at the European Marketing Academy Conference (EMAC). Lisbon, Portugal.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M., Weijters B. (October 2012). Dispositional Greed: Scale Development and Validation. Association for Consumer Research North American Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M., Weijters B. (June 2012). The more the merrier: development and validation of the Dispositional Greed Scale. Invited talk at the Materialism Symposium. Ghent University. Ghent, Belgium.

Krekels G., Pandelaere M., Weijters B. (May 2012). Dispositional Greed: Scale Development and Validation. The European Marketing Academy Annual Conference. Lisbon, Spain.


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