Evaluation of applications

When are applications evaluated?

Applications can be submitted throughout the year, but will be evaluated twice a year, in February and September.


Who selects the applications?

A first jury made up of 3 people - faculty members, intermediary body and students - is responsible for pre-selecting the applications. Jury members are selected from a list of representatives drawn up in advance. The CSE allocates projects to the members of the jury, so as to avoid a project being assessed by members of the same faculty as the project leader.

The pre-selected applications are analysed by a 2nd panel of 2 people made up of the Vice-Rector in charge of teaching and a teaching expert from outside the institution. This second panel is responsible for the final selection of applications and for arbitrating when the number of pre-selected applications exceeds the available budget.
The Director of the CSE oversees the evaluation process but does not intervene in the selection of applications.


How are applications selected?

Anonymised applications are selected in 2 stages:

  1. Pre-selection
    Each application submitted is reviewed by the pre-selection panel (1st panel, see above).
    The evaluation is carried out remotely using an online form based on an evaluation
    grid. A preliminary report is then drawn up for each application on the basis of the evaluations. The pre-selected applications are forwarded to the final selection panel.
    The pre-selection phase lasts 2 weeks.
  2. Final selection / arbitration
    The pre-selected applications are analysed by the final selection panel (2nd panel, see above), which approves or rejects the projects selected. The 2nd jury also acts as referee if necessary, for example when the number of pre-selected projects exceeds the available budget.
    The final selection phase lasts between 2 and 4 weeks.

    The jury's decision is sent to the project leader by e-mail, with a copy to the Faculty(ies)/School(s) concerned and to the head(s) of the central services involved.
    Validated applications are forwarded to the CSE for administrative and financial management.


What are the project selection criteria?

Applications are analysed according to an evaluation grid containing the following headings:

  1. Pedagogical design
    • Issues identified and improvement of the student learning experience envisaged;
    • Links between the project and what has been done on the topic or what exists in the field;
    • Description of the pedagogical design;
    • Consistency of innovation format: educational, technological, techno-pedagogical, etc.
  2. Strategic orientation
    • Link with the themes of UNIL's Statement of Intent or the faculty's strategic plan.
  3. Project management
    • Planning the development stages of the project;
    • Modalities for evaluating the impact of the project on the teaching and learning experience.
  4. Sustainability and transferability of innovation
    • Integration into existing course(s)/programme(s);
    • Existence of measures to ensure its continuity;
    • Potential for wider use.

Application deadline for the next evaluation

April 22, 2024