ARCHIVE - 2016 Call for Scholars Exchange Grants

This call for projects is now closed. Five project were selected among the 25 projects submitted. The list of grant recipients is available in the right column.

Organising entities

The Indo-Swiss joint research programme in the Social Sciences is jointly organised by the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR) and by the University of Lausanne as Associate Leading House of the Indo-Swiss Joint Research Programme (ISJRP) financed by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI).


The Indo-Swiss joint research programme in the Social Sciences is designed to encourage and initiate research collaborations between Swiss and Indian social scientists on topics of mutual interests with the aim to intensify interaction between scholars and research institutions of the two countries as to promote sustainable bilateral collaboration.

The Scholars Exchange Grants (SEG) are designed to fund visits of researchers in the social sciences between Switzerland and India, for joint research, field research, teaching exchange, joint development of a research proposal, presentations in conferences.

Priority research areas

Social Sciences in a broad sense.

Grant Information

In addition to the main applicant, the Scholars Exchange Grant can include additional researchers, PhD students and scientific collaborators. The total number of participants on each side should not exceed three.

Indian funds will contribute to cover the travel costs of Indian researchers to Switzerland, and the living expenses of Swiss visitors in India.

Swiss funds will contribute to cover the travel costs of Swiss researchers to India, and the living expenses of Indian visitors in Switzerland. The maximal amount on the Swiss side is CHF 10,000 per project.

Project duration

The visits can be spread over a duration of maximum 12 months.

Application deadline

This project is now closed (application deadline was February 28, 2017).

More Information

Please consult the call documents below for more information.


Swiss scientists are requested to contact:

Swiss programme office

Mr Marc Pilloud, Deputy Head
International Relations Office
Chateau de Dorigny
University of Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Tel.: +41 (0)21 692 20 23

Indian Scientists are requested to contact:

Indian programme office

Mr M.P. Madhukar, Assistant Director
Incharge, International Collaboration
Indian Council for Social Science Research
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg
New Delhi - 110 067 (India)

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Grant Recipients

Call documents