
Wildlife genetic forensics

  • DNA analyses of animal and plant species protected by international treaties (illegal traffic and poaching) or whose determination of origin is problematic (exotic species):

    • identify the species origin of biological samples and derived products.

    • identify their population of origin. 

    • link a suspect with a biological sample collected during a poaching investigation.

    • perform DNA parentage analyses to verify whether individuals originate from legal breeding facilities. 

  • DNA analyses of animal and plant species within the context of human forensics:

    • link a suspect with a crime following a transfer of DNA from animal or plant origin.

    • identify an animal involved in an attack to a person or to another animal, identify an animal responsible for an accident or a property damage.

    • identify a stolen animal or the remains of a dead animal, confirm the origin (pedigree) of a domestic breed.


Conservation genetics and management of natural populations

  • Contribute to the conservation and management of a species or population by studying the genetic factors increasing the extinction risks (such as loss of genetic diversity, inbreeding, population fragmentation, hybridization with invasive or domestic species), and by suggesting solutions to minimize these risks.




LBC - Biophore - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 41 72
Fax +41 21 692 41 65
Université de Lausanne