| Principal Investigators
| Post-doctoral Fellows & Doctoral Students
| Masters, medical & bachelor students
| Visiting Scientists & Students
Principal Investigators
- Benedetta Franceschiello PhD, currently Associate Professor, School of Engineering, HES-SO Valais, Sion, Switzerland
- Anna Gaglianese PhD, currently senior data scientist, ACImmune, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Eveline Geiser PhD, currently a science journalist at NZZ, Zurich, Switzerland
- Silvio Ionta PhD, currently Associate Professor at Fondation Asile des aveugles, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Paul Matusz PhD, currently Assistant Professor, School of Health, HES-SO Valais, Sion, Switzerland
- Céline Richard MD PhD, currently at Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Post-doctoral Fellows & Doctoral Students
- Domenica Bueti (2010-2015); Associate Professor at the SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- Céline Cappe (2008-2011); CNRS Chargé de Recherche at CerCo, Toulouse, France
- Marzia De Lucia (2006-2014); Lecturer at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Eveline Geiser (2014-2017); Science journalist at NZZ, Zurich, Switzerland
- Silvio Ionta (2014-2017); Associate Professor at the Fondation Asile des Aveugles, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Jean-François Knebel (2009-2019), R&D Director, Biospectal SA, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Jérémie Lefebvre (2013-2015); Associate Professor at the University of Ottowa, Canada
- Gérard Loquet (2016-2017); Bionics Institute, Melbourne, Australia
- Mehdi Ordikhani-Seyedlar (2017-2019); Data Scientist at Vivino
- Chloé Stoll (2017-2018), Clinical scientist, Biospectal SA, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Ruxandra Tivadar (2020); Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bern, Switzerland
Doctoral students
- Jacques Anken (2017); currently a Safety Data Associate at UBC, Geneva, Switzerland
- Andrea Biasiucci (2014); Roche, Basel, Switzerland
- Christian Camen (2008)
- Camille Crézé (2018); currently research coordinator at UniSanté, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Laura De Santis (2007); currently at University of Lausanne Doctoral Program, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Jean-François Knebel (2010)
- Claudia Lietti (2012); currently University Hospital of Geneva, Switzerland
- Elisabeth Maillard (2021); current a medical resident at CHUV, Switzerland
- Raphaël Meylan (2008); currently at Reactolab SA, Servion, Switzerland
- Marie-Laure Notter (2016); currently at the Centre Leenaards pour la Memoire, CHUV, Lausanne
- Michael Notter (2021); currently at the EPFL's extension school, Lausanne, Switzerland
- David Perruchoud (2017); currently a Junior Data Scientist at AVA Women, Zurich, Switzerland
- Holger Sperdin (2011); currently at University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Antonia Thelen (2014); currently at ANT Neuro, Berlin, Germany
- Ruxandra Tivadar (2020); currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Bern, Switzerland
- Nora Turoman (2020); currently a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
- Hélène Miyuki Turpin Murata (2020); currently a clinical psychologist
- Athina Tzovara (2012-2014); now an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Bern, Switzerland
- Louise Vasa (2019)
Masters, medical & bachelor students
- Norhan Arfa (2015)
- Sarah Amrein (2014)
- Jacques Anken (2013)
- Fosco Bernasconi (2008)
- Arnaud Berney (2016)
- Phanie Bidlingmeyer (2015)
- Marie-Laure Bielser (2013)
- Céline Boéchat (2016)
- Michel Bornet (2015)
- Romain Bovet (2017)
- Aimee Chiron (2020)
- Patricia Ciller Ruiz (2020)
- Natacha Cossy (2013)
- Camille Crézé (2014)
- Jules Duruz (2015)
- Philippe Eon Duval (2020)
- Lora Fanda (2020)
- Ursine Gerber (2012)
- Nicolas Gurtner (2020)
- Ana Hernando Ariza (2020)
- Laetitia Jaggi (2016)
- Lysiann Kalmbach (2013)
- Tatiana Kénel-Pierre (2014)
- Charlotte Kramer (2018)
- Sandra Lehmann (2006) (now Sandra Barcellona)
- Ignacio Menendez (2015)
- Julia Mermier (2017)
- Jennifer Pache (2020)
- Marina Pagliaro (2014)
- Lena Pasquier (2014)
- Vincent Pidoux (2017)
- Paolo Salvioni (2013)
- Guerric Samson (2015)
- Aurélie Scherler (2015)
- Alexandre Simonin (2014)
- Flavio Teixeira Barbosa (2017)
- Antonia Thelen (2011)
- Giorgio Ulrich (2014)
- Laura Vilaclara (2019)
- Camille Versascon (2015)
- Fanny Vuilleumier (2016)
- David Zuegin (2017)
Visiting Scientists & Students
- Dr. Katharina Limbach (visiting scientist 2016; University of Jena, Germany)
- Prof. Lee Miller (sabbatical in 2011; UC Davis, USA)
- Dr. Adrienne Roman (visiting scientist in 2017; Vanderbilt University, USA)
- Prof. Jan Schnupp (multiple visits in 2015 and 2016; Oxford University, UK)
- Rebecca Arnold (2019;BS student, University of California Los Angeles, USA)
- Carlos Benitez (2017; PhD student; Vanderbilt University, USA)
- Lars Torben Boenke (2008; PhD student, Leibniz Institute, Magdeburg, Germany)
- Patricia Ciller (2016-2017; Erasmus Bachelor's student, University of Barcelona, Spain)
- Carol Coricelli (2015; PhD student, Cognitive Neuroscience Sector, SISSA, Trieste, Italy)
- Shai Helfand (2014; BS student, Cambridge University, UK)
- Léna Kahn (2013; BS student, New York University, USA)
- George Kurian (2014; Maturité project)
- Joseph Nour (2015; MD student, Oxford University, UK)
- Claire Pittet (2020; Maturité project)
- Beatriz Sarmiento (2012; PhD student, University of Granada, Spain)
- Tali Shrem (2015; PhD student, Hebrew University, Israel)
- Taylor Sullivan (2015; BS student, University of Michigan, USA)
- David Tovar (2018; MD-PhD student; Vanderbilt University, USA)