

December 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andrea Bonomi is the Editor-in-Chief of the Yearbook of Private International Law and its Volume 21 (2019-2020) that has just been published and includes 27 contributions from experts from all continents. Yearbook is a widely known international publication devoted to issues of international litigation and conflict of laws. It features, among alia, a doctrine section (covering topics such as the notion of habitual residence, the EU succession regulation, the effects of Brexit and the doctrinal beginnings of conflict of laws), a symposium on Interim Measures in International Commercial Litigation and Arbitration, a specialised section on the 2019 Hague Judgments Convention, and national reports on current developments in Austria, Canada, Chile, China, Israel, and Switzerland. 


December 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andreas Ziegler was appointed President of the Société suisse de droit international effective January 1, 2021.

11 December 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Eva Lein will speak about Brexit and private international law at the virtual seminar of the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL).
26 November 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andrea Bonomi gave a conference for the OAV (Bar of the attorney of Canton de Vaud) on Interim Measures in International Disputes, Jurisdiction and Exequatur.

October 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Francesco Maiani has contributed with a chapter under the title "The ECJ in Swiss Case-law: A Quantitative/Qualitative Analysis" to the publication "The Impact of the European Court of Justice on the Neighbouring Countries", published by Oxford University Press.

20 October 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Francesco Maiani has written an article on Dublin and solidarity in the New Pact published on the website dedicated to the EU Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy.
26 September 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andreas Ziegler was the first speaker at the Joint Biennial Meeting of the French and German Societies of International Law and spoke about "Democratic Legitimacy of the International Legal System". 

17 September 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andreas Ziegler delivered a conference on "Today's Big Challenges of International Economic Law: The Case of Switzerland".

16 September 2020

The launch of the University of Lausanne's new book series with BRILL took place on the shores of Lake Geneva in the presence of some members of the editorial committee and the organisers of a future LL.M./CEDIDAC Conference planned in collaboration with the Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Connection Science and the AI Transparency Institute.

September 2020

LL.M. Programme Manager, Dr Shaheeza Lalani joined REDCompara, an international network of legal experts from 35 countries, founded in 2010 by Dr. Carmen Azcárraga Monzonís, Associate Professor of Private International Law at the University of Valencia (Spain)

10-11 September 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andrea Bonomi, will speak at the conference on the Inauguration of the European platform for access to personal and family rights (EPAPFR)

29 May 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Eva Lein has co-authored a paper (with Sir William Blair, former Judge of London's Commercial Court; Professor Louise Gulliver, University of Cambridge; and Judy Fu, 3 Verulam Buildings) calling for breathing space in the wake of the Covid19 pandemic to minimise the risk of a deluge of disputes and to increase the prospect of constructive outcomes.

April 2020


Two students currently enrolled in the LL.M. Programme in International Business Law were awarded partial tuition fee scholarships from The Spark of Hope Foundation.


March 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Eva Lein taught a course at the Sorbonne University, Paris, on Private International Law and International Commercial Litigation after Brexit.

2-3 March 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andrea Bonomi, spoke at NYU at the conference on Autonomous v. Domestic Concepts in the New York Convention

25 February 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Andrea Bonomi, spoke at the conference IGKK/IACPIL Vortragsreihe – Das IPRG nach 40 Jahren in Vienna.

19 February 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Francesco Maiani, had the honour of being invited to speak on the main trends in European case law on 19 February 2020 at a hearing of experts regarding the reform of the Dublin system. The hearing was organised by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. The Dublin system governs the sharing of responsibilities between EU and EFTA states with respect to asylum matters. See http://www.europarl.europa.eu/ep-live/en/committees/video?event=20200219-0900-COMMITTEE-LIBE (at 11:30:00).

13 February 2020

The book co-edited by LL.M. Programme Manager, Dr Shaheeza Lalani, entitled Intergenerational Equity: Environmental and Cultural Concerns was reviewed in the newest issue of the Intergenerational Justice Review (www.igjr.org).

22 - 24 January 2020

LL.M. Programme Director, Professor Eva Lein taught a block course at Vienna University on Private International Law and International Commercial Litigation after Brexit.

8 January 2020

LL.M. Programme Manager, Dr Shaheeza Lalani, was listed among 70 experienced women trade experts for inclusion in the CETA List of Arbitrators, compiled and provided to CETA signatories by Dr Katherine Simpson. Dr Simpson’s initiative has been shortlisted for the Global Arbitration Review’s “Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge” Award. The 10th Annual GAR Awards Ceremony takes place on 2 April 2020.

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