
The Swiss elite observatory hosts a string of research projects funded by the Swiss national science foundation. These projects are related to each other and are based on the same, cumulative database.

The making of political careers: evaluating the role of trade unions in the pathway of workers to elected office in Switzerland (Funded by Ellen Rifkin Hill Fund at the Swiss Social Archives)

Applicants: André Mach, Adrian Zimmermann, Line Rennwald
Duration: 2022 - 2024 


Open Elite Data
Project funded by the Swissuniversities
Felix Bühlmann
Collaborators: Anne-Sophie Delval, Steven Piguet, Glen Lomax
Duration: 2023 - 2024


The transformation of the Swiss financial place
Applicants: Felix Bühlmann
Collaborators: Lena Ajdacic (Post-Doc), Johanna Behr, Amal Tawfik
Duration: 2023 - 2027 


Sinergia - Local power structures and transnational connections. New perspectives on elites in Switzerland, 1890-2020
Project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation
 André Mach (UniL) / Stéphanie Ginalski (UniL) / Eric Davoine (UniFr) / Matthieu Leimgruber (UniZh)
Starting of the project: 1st September 2019

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