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Open Science at UNIL

Read & Publish Agreement with Elsevier Signed for 2024 - 2028
On behalf of Swiss higher education institutions, swissuniversities concluded a comprehensive Open Access agreement with Elsevier on June 10, 2024.
Papago Celebrates Its 5th Anniversary
Papago, the University of Lausanne's Open Access Personal Assistant, celebrates its 5th anniversary with 3954 records generated and a recent update of R&P agreement titles. A true resource for our researchers, Papago continues to evolve in support of open science!
Open Access Barometer UNIL 2023
The UNIL Open Access Barometer is here!
The FNS ceases to fund articles in Open Access within special editions
Articles published in special editions are increasingly common. This sharp increase, coupled with disparate processes, is conducive to abuse. As of February 2024, the SNSF will no longer fund OA articles in this type of publication.
New OS Flyer at UNIL
COVID-19 & Open Science
In order to fight a virus, it is necessary to "contain the population, but not the scientific data", nor science in general.
How can Open Science contribute to a more effective fight against COVID-19 ? Find out here our selection.
Open and Collaborative Science Manifesto
This video describes the 7 principles that could constitute a more open and inclusive science in development