Graduation Office

Delivery of certificates and supplements

Students who have successfully completed their course of study must order a certificate as soon as the results are published

Faculties will inform their students of the process, by sending them a link by email.

Diplôme_UNIL.jpg (Porte-diplôme UNIL)

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Graduation Office
Quartier UNIL-Centre
Bâtiment Unicentre
CH-1015 Lausanne

Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Biology and Medicine
Faculty of Geosciences and Environment

Faculty of Theology and the Study of Religions
Céline Nogales Bravo
+21 692 20 30

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration (including the School of Criminal Justice and IDHEAP)

Marie-Laure Lachat
+21 692 20 39

Closed on Fridays

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 11 11
Fax +41 21 692 20 15