UNIL Bachelors

The UNIL currently offers 15 Bachelors' degree programmes. All can be done part-time.

Faculty of Biology and Medicine
Faculty of Law, Criminal Justice and Public Administration
Faculty of Geosciences and Environment
Faculty of Business and Economics
Faculty of Arts

Disciplines of the Faculty of Arts:  Ancient Greek, Ancient History, Archaeology, Computer Science for the Humanities, English, French as a Foreign Language, German, History, History and Aesthetics of Film, History of Arts, History of Religions, Italian, Latin, Linguistics, Medieval French, Modern French, Philosophy, Slavic Studies, Spanish, South Asian Languages and Cultures.

Disciplines offered by other units at UNIL:  Geography, Political Science, Psychology, Social Sciences, Theological Studies.  

Disciplines offered by other universities: Arabic language, Literature and Civilisation, Armenian Language and Literature, Chinese Language, Literature and Civilisation, Egyptology and Coptic, Ethnology, Japanese Language, Literature and Civilisation, Mesopotamian Studies, Modern Greek Language, Literature and Civilisation, Musicology, Prehistoric Archaeology, Prehistoric Archaeology and Ancient Mediterranean Archeology, Rhaeto-Romanic

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
Faculty of Theology and Sciences of Religions

Last update: 8 August 2024

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The Bachelors' degree cycle is a first stage of the scientific education allowing the student to acquire a methodological and scientific way of thinking.

In the Bologna system, this first cycle lasts 3 years and is worth 180 ECTS credits. It opens the way to one or more Master's degrees.

Couverture générale 2015


BA: Bachelor of Arts
BLaw: Bachelor of Law
BMed: Bachelor of Medicine
BSc: Bachelor of Science
BTh: Bachelor of Theology

Unicentre - CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 11 11
Fax +41 21 692 20 15