Beguelin Paul, Chiaradia Massimo, Beate B, Spikings Richard A., The Yanaurcu volcano (Western Cordillera, Ecuador): A field, petrographic, geochemical, isotopic and geochronological study. Lithos 218-219, pp. 37-53, 2015. [Abstract]
Chelle-Michou Cyril, Chiaradia Massimo, Beguelin Paul, and Ulianov Alexey, Petrological Evolution of the Magmatic Suite Associated with the Coroccohuayco Cu(–Au–Fe) Porphyry–Skarn Deposit, Peru. Journal of Petrology 56, no. 9, pp. 1829-1862, 2015. [Abstract]
Föllmi Karl B., Hofmann Hélène, Chiaradia Massimo, de Kaenel Eric, Frijia Gianluca, Parente Mariano, Miocene phosphate-rich sediments in Salento (southern Italy). Sedimentary Geology 327, pp. 55-71, 2015. [Abstract]
Laurent David, de Kaenel Eric, Spangenberg Jorge E., Föllmi Karl B., A sedimentological model of organic-matter preservation and phosphogenesis in the Miocene Monterey Formation at Haskells Beach, Goleta (central California). Sedimentary Geology 326, pp. 16-32, 2015. [Abstract]
McCarthy Anders, Müntener Othmar, Ancient depletion and mantle heterogeneity: Revisiting the Permian- Jurassic paradox of Alpine peridotites. Geology 43 (March), pp. 255-258, 2015. [Abstract]
Manzella Irene, Bonadonna Costanza, Phillips Jeremy C., Monnard Hélène, The role of gravitational instabilities in deposition of volcanic ash. Geology 43, pp. 271-272, 2015. [Abstract] [pdf]
Pioli Laura, Scalisi Rosalinda, Costantini Licia, Di Muro Andrea, Bonadonna Costanza, Clavero Jorge, Explosive style, magma degassing and evolution in the Chaimilla eruption, Villarrica volcano, Southern Andes. Bulletin of Volcanology (2015) 77:93. [Abstract]
Arbiol Carlos, Kouzmanov Kalin, Dini Andrea, Wälle Markus, Major and trace element geochemistry of a distal Fe skarn – Terre di Rio, Elba Island (Italy) : Insights from hedenbergite, epidote and ilvaite LA-ICP-MS analyses. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 78-79, 2015. [Abstract]
Bach Núria, Kouzmanov Kalin, Caricchi Luca, Dini Andrea, Wälle Markus, Compositional variations of peritectic garnet in peraluminous leucogranite sills from Elba Island (Italy) : Implications for crustal melt generation processes. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 102-103, 2015. [Abstract]
Bovay Thomas, Kouzmanov Kalin, Dini Andrea, Wälle Markus, Vassileva Rossitsa, Gerdjikov Ianko, Distal johannsenite-hedenbergite skarns at Madan, Bulgaria and their link to Pb-Zn mineralization: constraints from trace element analyses in skarn silicates. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 81, 2015. [Abstract]
Calpini Caroline, Simpson Guy, Frischknecht Corine, Girardclos Stéphanie, Understanding tsunami hazard and risk in lakes: the case of western Lake Geneva. Proceedings of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics general assembly, Prague (Czech Republic). [Abstract] [Presentation]
Chatzipanagiotou Christos, Gervilla Fernando, Fontboté Lluis, Genetic relationships between spatially associated arsenide and sulphide magmatic ores from the Carratraca Ultramafic Massif (Málaga, south Spain). Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 84-85, 2015. [Abstract]
Hirsiger Caroline, Bussy François, Epard Jean-Luc, Masson Henri, Steck Albrecht, Ulianov Alexey, The Lower Permian Alpigia magmatic complex and its country rock (Upper Maggia Valley, Central Alps): petrology, geochronology and structural position. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 106-107, 2015. [Abstract] [Poster]
Karadima Natalia, Kouzmanov Kalin, Dini Andrea, Wälle Markus, Spangenberg Jorge, Poté John, Sulfur isotopes and trace element analyses of ore and gangue minerals from the Rio Marina Fe-deposit, Elba Island: implications for formation mechanism and fluid sources. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 87-88, 2015. [Abstract]
Regnier Antoine, Caricchi Luca, John Makario Londoño, Mendez Ricardo Arturo, Petrological evolution and pre-eruptive conditions of a highly explosive volcano showing signs of unrest: Cerro Machin, Colombia. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 90, 2015. [Abstract]
Ricchi Emmanuelle, Caricchi Luca, Ilya Bindeman, Wotzlaw Jörn, The generation and architecture of crustal rhyolitic reservoirs: insights from the Kilgore Tuff eruption. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 91, 2015. [Abstract]
Scrignari Milena, Pioli Laura, Andronico Daniele, Caricchi Luca, Driving mechanisms of the 1651 and 2002 eruptions at Etna volcano, Italy. Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 92, 2015. [Abstract]
Tamagnone Cosmelli Elisa, Chiaradia Massimo, Caricchi Luca, Petrography and geochemistry of Cusìn and Cubicle volcanic complexes (Interandean Valley, Ecuador). Proceedings of the Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Basel (Switzerland), pp. 93, 2015. [Abstract]