
Membres ordinaires

Passy Florence

Coordonnées Curriculum Recherches Enseignements Publications


1996: Thèse de doctorat en science politique, Université de Genève

1992: DES en science politique, Université de Genève

1989: Licence en science politique, Université de Genève

Bourses de recherche
1992: Fond national suisse (FNS), bourse jeunes chercheurs
1996: Fondation Schmidheiny
2000: Fond national suisse (FNS), bourse chercheurs avancés

Expériences professionnelles

Prof. invitée
VU University.
Lieu : Pays-Bas
Début : 2013 -- Fin : 2014

2005 - : Professeure associée en science politique, Université de Lausanne

2002-2005: Maître-assistante en science politique, Université de Lausanne

2000-2002: Professeure remplaçante en science politique, Université de Lausanne

1997-1999: Maître-assistante en science politique, Université de Genève

1999-2000: Maître d'enseignement et de recherche, Poste de relève de la Confédération (FNS)

1997-2000: Maître assistante (fonds FNS)

1990-1996: Assistante en science politique, Université de Genève

Chercheuse/prof. invitée
2013-2014: VU University.

- New School for Social Research, USA (Charles Tilly)
- University of Arizona, USA (Doug McAdam)

1996-1997: New School for Social Research, USA (Charles Tilly)

Autres activités


- Revue suisse de science politique (2011 - )

Comité éditorial
- Social Movement Studies (2009 - )
- Cohésion sociale et pluralisme culturel, Éditions Seismo (2009 - )
- Le savoir suisse, Presses polytechniques de Suisse romande (2000 - 08)

Reviewer régulier ou occasionnel
- Acta Politica; American Journal of Sociology; American Sociological Review; British Journal of Social Psychology; British Journal of Sociology; Comparative Political Studies; Conflicts and Change; Culture et conflit; European Journal of Political Research; European Journal of politics and gender; European Sociological Review; European Union Politics; Ethical Theory and Moral Practice ; Global Studies in Culture and Power; International Political Sociology; Identities; International Sociology; International Studies Perspectives; Journal of Common Market Studies; Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies; Journal of International Migration and Integration; Journal of Sociology and Anthropology; Mobilization; Political psychology; Politics and Religion; Political Research Quarterly ; Politique et Société (Canadian sociological review); Religion, State and Society ; Research in Social Movements; Social Movement Studies; Social Problems; Sociological Forum; Sociological Quarterly; Sociological Theory; Social Network Analysis and Mining ; Sociology and Anthropology ; Swiss Political Science Review; Swiss Sociological Review; The Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Protest.

- Amsterdam University Press, Cambridge University Press, Manchester University Press, Palgrave Macmillan, Presses polytechniques de suisse romande, Seismo, Springer.


Expert nommé
2015-2018 TransSOL (European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis).Horizon 2020 Program, EU funding.

2001-2007: PNR 40+ (Right-Wing Extremism in Switzerland: causes and Consequnces), SNSF.

2015 NCCR On the Move, SNSF.

Expert adhoc
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office
French National Research Agency (ANR)
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK)
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS).



Direction de recherche
2017: Social and Solidarity Economy, Urban Communities and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups, SNIS (Swiss Network of International Studies)

2009:Why Stand Up for Others? A Comparative Study of Political Altruism and Contentious Participation, SNSF.

2003:Anti-globalization Contention: Activists Protesting Against the G8 in Evian
Academic Society of the Canton Vaud, Department of political science (University of Geneva), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (University of Lausanne), Foundation of 450e (University of Lausanne), Institute of Political and International Studies (University of Lausanne), Institute of Social and Political Research (University of Geneva).

1998: The Contemporary History of Migration Politics in Switzerland, 1948-2000.
With Sandro Cattacin (University of Geneva), Marco Giugni (University of Geneva), Etienne Piguet (Swiss Migration Forum), Hans Mahnig (Swiss Migration Forum).
Swiss National Science Foundation (PNR39).

1997 Structuration of Public Debate and Collective Action in Migration and Ethnic Relations. A Comparative Study of France and Switzerland. (with Marco Giugni)
Swiss National Science Foundation (PNR39).

1996 Activism in Contentious Politics: The Activists of the World Wild Fund (WWF), University of Geneva.


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