Official Team Table

Lane Stuart

Contact Curriculum Research Teaching Publications
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Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement

Institut des dynamiques de la surface terrestre
Position(s): Professeur ordinaire

Inst. dynamiques surface terre
Quartier UNIL-Mouline
Bâtiment Géopolis 3207
CH - 1015 Lausanne
Phone: 021 692 36 07

Research Group ALPine Water Ice Sediment and Ecology (ALPWISE),

Member of the Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation

Stuart Lane


Alpes Valaisannes / Walliser Alpen / Alpi Pennine
Alpes Vaudoises / Waadtländer Alpen
Changement climatique
Dynamique des fluides
Dynamique fluviale
Écologie végétale
Érosion glaciaire
Gestion de l'eau
Inondation - crue
Marge proglaciaire
Modélisation de la simulation
Protection de la nature
Ressource en eau
Ressources naturelles
Service écosystémique

Scientific distinctions and prizes

Victoria Medal from the Royal Geographical Society, UK 2012

Ralph A Bagnold medal from the European Geoscience Union in recognition of research achievements in geomorphology 2011

UK's Rural Economy and Land Use Programme award for the best interdisciplinary research methodology 2011

American Geophysical Union citation for excellence in reviewing for Water Resources Research 2009

The Atlantic Salmon Trust Award for Contribution to Science and Innovation 2008

Phillip Leverhulme Prize, Leverhulme Trust  2002

President's Prize of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society for the best paper published in the Photogrammetric Record (Volumes 15 and 16) 2001

Awarded the 11th Harold J. Schoemaker award (with co-authors) by the International Association of Hydraulics Research for the most outstanding publication in the Journal of Hydraulics Research, Volume 36(5) to 38(4) 2001

Jan de Ploey Award, International Association of Geomorphologists, for 'outstanding contribution to the field of monitoring and numerical modelling of flow, sediment transport and solute processes' 1997

British Geomorphological Research Group Dissertation Prize  1991

Royal Geographical Society Alfred Steers Dissertation Prize  1991
