Species data
Species distribution data
| Biological traits
| Taxonomy and Phylogeny
| Conservation
Species distribution data
- GBIF – Global biodiversity information facility
- Biocase – Biological Collection Access Service for Europe
- Flora Europea – Digital version of the Flora Europaea
- Den Virtuella floran – Online access to the Atlas of North European vascular plants (Hultén & Fries 1986)
- Comparative chorology of the central europena flora - maps Meusel & Jäger 1998 vol I, II & III digitalized by Halle University
- GfS - Distribution Atlas of Butterflies in Europe
- EBBA - European Breeding Bird Atlas
- CRSF – distributions of all plants in Swizerland
- CSCF – distributions of all animal in Switzerland
- FloraWeb - floristic database for Germany
- Sophy - floristic database for France
- Tropicos – specimens, distributons, chromosome counts, references
- ArcticData - biodiversity, topography, protected areas, human impact data
- Markku Savela’s webpage - photographs, common names, scientific names, distribution of mammals, insects, birds and plants
- CKmap2000 - A complete checklist of the whole Italian fauna, with over 57,400 species
- BIEN - Botanical Information and Ecology Network that documents global patterns of plant diversity, function and distribution
- OBIS - Ocean biogeographic information system
- NSII - China National Specimen Information
- disdat - R package with data for evaluating species distribution modelling methods
- Stephenson & Stengel 2020 - data base of biodiversity data sources
- sPlot - worldwide plant database of plot data
Biological traits
- TRY - global database of plant functional traits
- TundraTrait - database of plant functional traits for tundra species
- LEDA – life history traits of the Northwest European flora
- BiolFlor – database on biological and ecological traits of the flora of Germany
- CLO-PLA – clonal growth plant traits of Central European flora
- Trochet et al. 2014 - A database of life-history traits of European amphibians
- Tr8 R package - retrieves plant traits from BiolFlor ,LEDA, ECOFLORA, Italian Flora, Mycorrhizal intensity and MycoFlor1 databases
- panTHERIA - a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals
- FishBase - global biodiversity information system on finfishes
- Tetra-EU 1.0 - a species-level trophic meta-web of European tetrapods
- Plant root altas - 1,000 drawings of root system excavations carried out in Europe, with dimensions
Taxonomy and Phylogeny