The second edition of the PROWD - PROfessional Women with Doctorates programme was launched on October 10, 2019, with an event focusing on women's careers of women after the PhD.
A large audience attended the event, which opened with a welcome speech by the new Chairman of the UNIL Equality Commission, Professor Simon Butticaz, followed by a lecture titled "Vie quotidienne et activité plurielle chez des femmes qualifiées : Quels enjeux pour la santé et le bien-être subjectif ?" by Dr María del Río Carral, MER at the Institute of Psychology. Carole Clair, Associate Professor and co-head of the Department of Training, Research and Innovation at the University Centre for Primary Care and Public Health, and Geneviève Le Fort, Doctor of Art History and Archaeology from Université Libre de Bruxelles and currently Vice-Rector for Quality at the HES-SO, then exchanged their views on careers with a PhD.
The 20 participants of the second edition of the programme then participated in a workshop titled "Pushing Back Against Everyday Sexism", led by Siara Isaac, Pedagogical Advisor at the EPFL Teaching Support Centre.
Listen to
Audio recording of the event (in French)